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  1. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    If memory serves me correctly those old cross cuts were often forge welded together to get those hugely long saws . Fact is I do believe the first band saw rig was actually a bunch of forge welded cross cuts as the circle mills just plane could cut anything that large unless the blade were 30...
  2. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I might be able to get on it Sunday .They plan on grouting the first of the week so I'm assuming it all gets laid ,layed ,set , by weeks end .
  3. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    Unfortunately the camera is in the kitchen, in mama Dars 'puter desk ,amidst freshly laid ceramic tile .
  4. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    The arts of wooden ship building ,post and beam construction,cooperage and a few others who work with wood are almost a dying art in this age of CNC type machinery .If they aren't preserved in some form in time they will be lost forever . This same kind of applies to the metal related crafts...
  5. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    There was a lady locally who painted handsaws,hard hats etc .I worked with her husband who retired after she won over a million bucks in the Readers Digest sweepstakes .
  6. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I forget the exact number of trees it took to make the USS Constitution but the number of live oak alone was a staggering amount .Can you even imagine attacking a big spar and carving it into a mast for a tall ship .It was all done my hand .Every bit of those big wooden men of war was done by...
  7. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I'm going to tell you what .You can carve on an ash handle to shape and adjust it without much problems .You get to carving on a kiln dried hickory handle you'd better eat your Wheaties and have a real sharp draw knife because that is some tough stuff .I generally use a horse hoof rasp to fit a...
  8. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    The only real "logging " I ever did was during the winter of 1980 -81 . I'm pretty sure all that nice shag bark hickory went south to a manufacturer of handles . It was deal my pap and some farmer worked out . 5 acres and we never got it all cleared before the D8 Cats moved in to level it come...
  9. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    It just makes sense if you think about it .Keel plates for example on wooden boats are sawn on the quarter . A few years ago I must have went through at least a dozen or more axe handles before I found two that were suitable or at least for my standards . While we' re elaborating on handles or...
  10. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    A rule of thumb is the grain runs parrallel to the force, just like a baseball bat .
  11. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I've got a buzz saw blade with my picture paited on while I was sitting on a John -Deere A .
  12. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    The ones they use for logging competitions are several thousand dollars apiece and cost like 3 hundred just to get them sharpened .Two good sawyers can out cut a pretty good sized stock saw with one .Of course they can't out last it . I've got the Time-Life book called "The loggers " which...
  13. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I have my dads double bit cruiser type axe which is older than I am .It has never set outside and never had a file put it .The old man always stoned it . Of course it wouldn't have the handle length of the western varities . Oh boy would it piss him off if I drove it into the dirt using it for...
  14. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    Well you have to or should use that file I mention about sharpening cross cuts .The saw also might need "hammered " or swedged .They actually beat on the thing to make it slightly convex because as it heats up it distorts a little .I have no idea how to do it but I do have a swedging hammer . I...
  15. Al Smith

    Old Crosscut Saws

    I've got one in the shed and two in my pappys barn plus a setter which I've never used .I don't even know where it's at at the moment . We actually used one about 1980-81 to drop a dead oak as we had nothing with enough bar at the time for a 6 footer .Of course we carved on it with the...