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  1. M

    Nasty pine bid

    This is a PM I sent Butch in 2003... he's still using the same saddle and hitch no doubt.. And I thought I was resisistent to change.. C'mon Butch... better late than never... Honestly if I had to use an old weaver or Buck double D saddle, I wouldn't want to climb trees anymore either...
  2. M

    Nasty pine bid

    That's debateable.. maybe the best thing to do would be to replace that stone age saddle and all that heavy steel hardware with something made in this millenium :)... The first time I ever got into a butterfly (B1), I felt like Peter Pan, floating from tip to tip... Then you'd have to think...
  3. M

    Nasty pine bid

    No one ever called me that before :)... Thought I had 'em all fooled Roger, but not you.... with your keen insight and infallible discernment.. nothing gets by you... (now don't let that go to your head)
  4. M

    Nasty pine bid

    come off the manic fantasies.. you guys are starting to sound like southsound (no pun intended).. With a bit of slack in the highline, forces would be extremely low on the crane... sounds like you don't really even need a highline.. just a tie in point somewhere in the vicinity, some nice...
  5. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Ya if your helicopter happened to be down that day.. otherwise why not just rappel out of the chopper?, or maybe if you wanted to go low budget, you could just duct tape a bunch of old extension ladders into a big tripod... that would look great huh? (not giving you a hard time... just havin'...
  6. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Its a bold statement that I agree with.. and yes one of many expressed... Willie has to do what he thinks is safe, no matter how Donizelli died... to say "isn't that how Donizelli died" (climbing a tree with decay) "let's not forget"... I don't agree with the implication.. We don't have enough...
  7. M

    Nasty pine bid

    That story comes from a good source.. To say he was out of his element is a solid interpretation.. He was a great scientist and pioneering thinker. He made a mistake that cost him his life. Its good to know and understand that mistake, as with all mistakes, they offer learning opportunities...
  8. M

    Nasty pine bid

    I heard he sideloaded a tree with a lowering line set on a ground anchor on the base of an adjacent tree with no redirect, and the ground man took 5 wraps. That is a recipe for tree failure, especially if he was using double braid. No disrespect intended, BUT he was out of his element.. like...
  9. M

    Nasty pine bid

    X2... as long as there is a fat check waiting at the end of that climb... might go with a safety line in a nearby tree with the tail tied off to limit the swing rather than a high line as a back up... that would be enough adrenaline to hold me for a week or two..
  10. M

    Nasty pine bid

    I would think so. that ash is a fireplug compared to a 3' DBH, 160' tall dry pine... though the principle holds true
  11. M

    Nasty pine bid

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  12. M

    Nasty pine bid

    I tried that one time with a big locust top.. except no face, used a cos bay type cut, and the cuts were made vertically as per the boy scout's diagram.. On that tree I was trying to get the piece to fall straight into its footprint, as any rotation of the top was bound to damage the nearby tree...
  13. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Don't be flirtin' with me.. I KNOW you're just a big tease.. Oh Alright, I can't resist... give me $40 (plus expenses) (hey chip, anyone ever call you a luddite?)
  14. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Ever use one to take out a top before? May not be what the cut was developed for, doesn't mean it won't work.. I have, and they can come off pretty smooth, though no guarentee. May depend on what type of wood fiber charactoristics. With dead pine, I'd expect it to let go with minimal pull.. the...
  15. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Hope you get the job.. looks good.. you gonna tell the number once the check is in hand? We deserve at least to listen to the jingle of your coins eh :) Seems like the skyline is a good idea, so you can put the cash out for equipment that will keep working for you, rather than handing it to...
  16. M

    Nasty pine bid

    I like Burnham's suggestion too.. (imagine that) too bad its got obstacles.. Though even with a perfect cut and pull line set up, that would take some serious nads cutting a notch in the rotten base of that tree from the look of it. I be inclined to go with a high pull line and a 2-3" of stump...
  17. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Nice to get the $$ when you can.. sometimes I bid a job like that a little low if needed, just to prove to myself that my way will work...
  18. M

    Nasty pine bid

    Good memory.. those guys were stoned out of their minds.. my old HS buddy ended up getting robbed by some hoods from LA he had been doing business with, cause the market got flooded up north.. the guy duct taped him to a chair and took everything he owned, while his 20 year old daughter was...
  19. M

    Nasty pine bid

    YA I'd use that secret cut I used on that dead ash.... works great on front leaners... but you'd have to pay me a little extra if you wanted to watch :) works much better than dynamite!
  20. M

    Nasty pine bid

    I'd try to get at least one line set with the big shot, and use that same line for the pull test. If the tree is still standing after the wind, that should make you feel a bit better about climbing it. The higher you take the top off, the less force either pull or push back you'll be creating...