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  1. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Well I got my ebay package today. Yes it does work. No it does not work well! In this aplication, it's absolutly useless! It's good out to about 30ft, and thats if you can get it to focus there! I see a shopping trip coming soon, like tommorow afternoon! But for under $50, I have absolutly NO...
  2. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    No, it's uslually Thursday through Sunday, so thats what I focus on for now.
  3. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    The paper here is a bigger joke than the PD!! If it doesn't benifit the Bank in town or the Current City administatrion, it won't get printed, unless you buy ad space! They don't even alot for leters to the editor anymore!
  4. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    NICE!!! I've even written the name down!
  5. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    I assure you, this has not been taken lightly by any party, other than the cops!
  6. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Mike: quote the whole thing, then delete the parts you want out, just leave the quote tags. Frans: We have already coverd the known areas with motion lights, the only other thing is to cover the rest of the house with them. But that does little for the daylight problems. I'd much rather catch...
  7. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    But for $125 they sure could be:evil:
  8. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Well THANK YOU DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid ass cops!!! This is getting printed out as I type Brian! All doors, and a couple extra copies to show the dumbass cops!
  9. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Went and mowed the lawn to lick my wounds! I would like to think you are right Brian, but I doubt my luck is running that good! I have something simialer in place on the door they try to enter Butch. The safety glass has been replaced with normal glass, 1/8" thick. It will take little to break...
  10. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Me too! I read the fine print, and thought his "answer" was a bit "off", but he never did say they did work. There is a sucker born every minuete, this time it was me!
  11. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    See, this is why I SUCK at ebay!
  12. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Well I just bought this: Cheap enough that mama isn't...
  13. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    The cop and I were even talking about that the other night! Thats some horse shat!
  14. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    I'd lov to piano wire between the trees, but that gets a lawsuit. I'd love to take 1x6"s and put a bunch of 3 1/2" screws in them and set them up around the fence and windows, but lawsuits again. I'd go hang out in th trees, but not knowing when the PD will show and them seeing me, would blow...
  15. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    I wish that were true Brian! They already shot at one of his dogs, in his yard and charged the youngest with 90 days probation, the dog has to be in the kennel and on a chain now! Talk about some backwoods bull crap!
  16. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Retired military, two heartattacks, diabetes, on dissability and lives on Vicaden due to pains in hands and feet. He has three large dogs that should be plenty of deterent, but it's not, sleeps with a pistol by his head, but by the time he gets up they are gone. We built chainlink fence around...
  17. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Yeah, thats what I was thinking/talking about in the other post Brian. But I am not sure the resolution is good enough for an ID, and they are around $150 each. Since we know there are more than one, at least two would be needed! One was spoted jumping over the fence when the security lights...
  18. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    Thanks Mike, but I don't know how long I will need it though. They have tried twice to break in, once in broad daylight, once at night. I think it's too dark to use the camera, maybe not, but I will suggest it. I was thinking about rail cams, but they are very costly, and the resolution might...
  19. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    I have not heard back from the guy with the Bushnells yet, but I am finding a lot of used stuff for cheap on ebay amazingly enough! Yes Mike, it's on the cheap. I'm not afraid to spend the money on something I will use a lot, but this won't get used much, if at all after this! A buddy has had...
  20. sawinredneck

    Night vision options

    I sent them and email Steve, but no idea where to even start on the price?