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  1. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    I told you!!! :P:lol:
  2. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Nice work...put them right where they needed to be. That is definitely a well-executed strip layout :D.
  3. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    With you knowing his history is like this...what possessed you to do business with him? Inquiring minds wish to understand :).
  4. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Indeed. Rather like the clown who ripped @Kaveman off.
  5. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    As suspected. Thanks, Max. That was a lot of tree to rig.
  6. Burnham

    Machining/welding/millwright…molten metal

    The breadth and depth of knowledge here in the THouse never ceases to astound me. :thumbup:
  7. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    That is bad juju. A loser for sure.
  8. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That was a handsome tree. Why the removal? Guessing too messy.
  9. Burnham

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Really, we get these ahi steaks wild caught from Viet Nam flash frozen in 3 oz. vacuum sealed portions about 1 1/2 in. thick. Very reasonably priced at our Winco, works out to about $10/pound. Frugal luxury...our specialty ;).
  10. Burnham

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    We already did that for most of our lives. Now it is time to have a little more lux in our old age. :D
  11. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    So, what do you think you could have done differently to avoid this unhappy situation? It's too bad you're losing money, but maybe you can figure how to not let it happen again. That would be a worthwhile lesson. P.S. @WoodCutr Sorry for my unhelpful post just a little bit ago. If you...
  12. Burnham

    milling thread

    It sure looks like you need a machine to move the wood about. Plus, a lot more room. But I figure I'm not saying anything you have not said to yourself.
  13. Burnham

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That's plenty of tree right there. Nice work, Rich.
  14. Burnham

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    M marinated a couple of yellowfin ahi steaks in a teriyaki sauce of her own devising for several hours. I'll pan sear them, steam some broccoli, and cook a pot of brown rice. We will get by I reckon :).
  15. Burnham

    Tree felling vids

    Brilliant. Love the angled back cut.
  16. Burnham

    Tree felling vids

    There is so much more wrong there than could be explained by a simple bad read of the lean. The face is wrong for the anchors on the machines and the pull which broke one of the anchor ropes is in near opposition to the faced lay. The cutting procedure for the "back cut" is nonsensical to the...
  17. Burnham

    Songs I Like

    That is digging way back there, Mick :).
  18. Burnham

    Tree felling vids

    That makes absolutely no sense at all. Can that be a real situation?? On what planet????
  19. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Every one of my friends who use step counters from time to time tell me steps and distances that are so obviously wrong as to make the whole concept worthless.
  20. Burnham

    Root systems and foundations...discuss!

    I have to admit that I have quite a few trees within striking distance of the house, though the root/foundation issue is OK I think. In my part of the tall tree growing world, you have to put your house in the middle of a really big no tree zone to be free from falling limb and tree hazards. I...