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  1. Dave Shepard


  2. Dave Shepard

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    This is no joke when you have heelers. My sister had a Subaru and when the wipers turned on, one of them launched so hard from the way back that she cracked the windshield when she hit it. Didn't even seem to notice. They put on a lot of miles running around the inside of that car.
  3. Dave Shepard


  4. Dave Shepard


  5. Dave Shepard


    That's a good idea. My plan for the wraps was chickpea salad. Hummus might be easier.
  6. Dave Shepard


    I think the options are almost endless. I just stirred in a good splash of Sriracha. The hummus concept is working. I grabbed the plate of veggies and the hummus from the fridge, and now I'm sitting on the couch watching YouTube and eating something healthy.
  7. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    If it's really big, like 48" or more, I'd quarter it with a chainsaw then flip flop the quarters on the mill. Smaller logs you can quarter on the mill. I'm not sure there is another way to optimize quarter sawn, without actually quartering the log first.
  8. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    Found the top of my drafting table. First plan of 2025 is already done.
  9. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I didn't realize I could add videos. That's neat.
  10. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    Milling some board and batten today. It feels good to get something done at the mill.
  11. Dave Shepard


    My blender is the only rock I have available for this nail right now. :/: I do plan on getting the Vitamix processer at some point. I got a couple of lemons, which seem to be popular. I also have Sriracha, if things get desperate.
  12. Dave Shepard

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Sounds profound, until you realize there are only two hydrogen atoms in a water molecule, and one sun in our solar system. :lol:
  13. Dave Shepard


    Anyone making there own? I think I have all the ingredients now to try making my own. I'm not using oil, and there are almost no commercial offerings without oil. I did get some store made stuff tonight, and it's pretty nutty/burnt flavored. I think when I try, I'll be adding plenty of garlic or...
  14. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I've got a nice walnut log I'm going to slab up. Maybe get some cinder blocks. Do it up right!
  15. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I finally tried assembling a cheap Walmart bookshelf this evening. Whoever designs these things should be locked up in prison. It didn't end well.
  16. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I crimp everthing. A hammer crimper can be around $20. A center punch will work, too. I got a cheap hydraulic crimper from Amazon.
  17. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    I have Anderson connectors on everything at the mill. Two batteries are better than one. If I can't get close enough to plug in directly, I have a 25' cable also.
  18. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    The wind has been brutal here today. I had to make a repair to the sawmill and 50 mph gusts at 19⁰F was a challenge with bare fingers and small screws. But, I'm up and running for tomorrow. There are two big pines at the mill that have slowly been tipping over, and now they are even worse. I...
  19. Dave Shepard


  20. Dave Shepard

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    24⁰ and very windy. Gusts in the 50+ mph range.