Illegal to keep bees like that? Why?
I think it's a good solution. Ripping open that log would be a nightmare. The bees will be much happier the way you have it now.
This is my standard method when spikes are not an option, or if there is a big skirt of old fronds. If you generally work DdRT then do like Jake suggested and attach a pulley to the rope end with another climbline through it before pulling it up. Then base tie the original rope. When using...
Those are my favorite too, The Gary. They fit well, and last longer than the other latex ones that I've tried.
Plus, those prices from PalmFlex are pretty damn good.
Thanks for the vid, Reg. I've never worked in an environment before where a grappling hook would be useful like that, but it's such a cool tool. How long is the second rope that you're using with the hook? Is it basically a second full length climbing line, or do you use a shorter line for...
Dude, here's your answer:
That's a good price for a good saw, and I'm sure it's exactly as Brendon describes it.
Steve, koels are pretty common in Hong Kong. I've got at least one that hangs out around my window. Those birds don't seem to keep regular hours at all.
Great pictures Roger, keep em coming.
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