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  1. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Jean-Claude has very long legs, almost like mine! :) He would have made a good arborist:)!
  2. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today was a pretty busy day. First, in the morning, I cut down 4 trees in the center of St. Petersburg, and then went out of town for a distance of 80 km and cut down 9 trees there. From dawn to dusk! :)
  3. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Crumpets are such rings made of very fluffy dough, cooked in sunflower oil. What I see here is called oladii.
  4. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  5. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  6. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    At first I wanted to hang this branch. But you can see everything better from above! I decided to just dump with a flip. It is only necessary to give the necessary acceleration at the crucial moment. Almost a somersault :) P.S. The hedge was not damaged.
  7. Maximalist

    How the heck is there not a TH Chess thread?

    I asked my son about random chess. This is chess 960.
  8. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Coffee break. It never hurts to drink hot coffee with hot crumpets. By the way, in Russia it is believed that the most delicious crumpets are only in St. Petersburg. Therefore, we can say that our crumpets are the best in the world! :)
  9. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This is the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. It glows because it is an artistic illumination. Many of our buildings and structures have artistic lighting -
  10. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  11. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Tuesday is also a difficult day -
  12. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This one? :)
  13. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Monday, as usual, turned out to be a difficult day.
  14. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    There is a saying in Russia: "A woman was sitting, she was bored..." The continuation of this saying can be anything depending on the situation, but it does not bode well.)
  15. Maximalist

    Search Not Working. Again.

    I just posted a video. Everything works! Thanks!
  16. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  17. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    According to scientists, it was a small meteorite with a diameter of 1 meter. The speed of the fall was 16 kilometers per second. In all likelihood, it simply burned up in the atmosphere before reaching the surface of the Earth.
  18. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread! An asteroid fell in Siberia about two hours ago.
  19. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today, among other trees, I cut down a rather crooked elm -
  20. Maximalist

    The Official Random Video Thread!
