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  1. treebogan

    Official Guns Thread

    Cast quite a few bullets the other day,loaded up 48 rounds because that's all the cases I have. Using only 6 grains of VV 320 I will get 1288 loads from a pound of powder.
  2. cory

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    The above led me to Ali (Clay) vs Liston. Early Ali fully unhittable
  3. Tree09

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

  4. cory

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

  5. Nutball

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Really good watch here. People in the comments recommend more sodium than he used to raise PH further to reduce loss of the base metal. Also green tea was recommended to add to help protect the base metal and help free the rust. Not sure if the part should be dipped in green tea first, or just...
  6. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Dark alley, no witnesses, and a plausible alibi, preferably from somebody of good standing like a priest or politician that you happen to be friends with.
  7. flushcut

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    Stay sober and it can be done. I think even after a 12 rack it’s still doable.
  8. flushcut

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Not a tree that was worked but it was under the tree that was worked. This is the tree in my avatar twelve years later. It’s just rot and a thin strip of live bark. Willows don’t go quietly into the night, they fight until the bitter end.
  9. lxskllr

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    Beer knot might be a little tricky behind your back :^D
  10. flushcut

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    Bowline, bowline on a bight, clove hitch, slip knot, timber hitch, cow hitch, girth hitch, half hitch, water knot, beer knot, taught line hitch, prussic hitch. Learn them, know them, love them, and tie them behind your back.
  11. flushcut

    Teupen or CMC

    Working with a crane.
  12. flushcut

    Teupen or CMC

    I have a CMC 72 Hd but if I had to do it all over again it would be a Platform Lift. I’m not saying the 72 hasn’t been a good unit for me ,1200 hours and ticking.
  13. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?

    Simple pleasures... Kavey and David will appreciate this ...
  14. cory

    Teupen or CMC

    Welcome! I'm a 75' rear mount Terex bucket guy so I can't comment beyond saying lifts are the sh&t!!
  15. T

    Teupen or CMC

    Delete if not allowed. I understand this is a climbing thread. I climb nearly everyday. Been climbing for years. However, as we all know climbing dead or rotten trees can be catastrophic. I am looking at buying a Teupen 75' lift currently. I was looking at CMC but been having a terrible time...
  16. Kaveman

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  17. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    So the purpose of the boat is to damage the ship? I thought they wanted to take it in tact to ransom it? I think these guys were speaking Russian, sure this isn’t a Ukrainian drone boat?
  18. Kaveman

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    As could I. Just my best educated guess.
  19. Mick!

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    Bowline for termination loops, clove hitch for rigging, truckers hitch for midline and méchainal assistance. A few others I do without realizing but those seem to fulfill all my requirements.
  20. davidwyby

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    I think i need to go visit kave and buy some lessons in flip n spur and knots.