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  1. Treeaddict

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  2. treebilly

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Most likely. I did a pull and a push and felt things seem to go back into place. Most of my foot is bruised top side. Picked up some more tape on my way to the chiropractors today. I probably should lash it it to next toe and keep it iced and elevated tonight
  3. BlackSmith

    How'd it go today?

    Maybe she would like to pony up with some green.
  4. CurSedVoyce


    Hope he packed a change of shorts....
  5. Marc-Antoine


    :big-love: That's an awesome work, both by figuring the complex shape of each part and by the skill needed to carve them so precisely.:big-not-worthy:
  6. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  7. Dave Shepard


    I think I'd probably make a similar noise!
  8. Mick!

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Still in good shape Rich, much like myself!
  9. lxskllr

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    What do you use the marlinspike hitch for? My main use is tensioning a constrictor. I don't really use it otherwise. edit: I guess I do use a marlinspike. It's good for sending bottles into the tree. Never thought about it as a specific hitch. Pat showed it to me, and it didn't click as to what...
  10. biggun

    Bare Minimum Knot Knowledge?

    Bowline. Slippery sheet bend, cow hitch and timber hitch. Marlin spike hitch. Alpine butterfly. Probably more but I use the above on the regular.
  11. biggun

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Ouch. Little toes might be one of the smallest things but they don’t half hurt. Dislocated?
  12. CurSedVoyce

    In The News...

    Legal here too. But eventually the taxes cause illegal grows again. Also, a lot of our grows are shipped out to more profitable areas that also includes Mexico. You have to look at even drugs as a trade thing. America likes Heroin, Meth, Fentanyl etc. Other places trade for Weed, human...
  13. Cobleskill

    In The News...

    Now that weed is legal in NY the price has dropped so much the incentive to grow for profit has really taken a dive.
  14. treebilly

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Got my first painful injury last night. Broke my pinky toe and tried to rip it off. Little blood and lots of swelling. The pop was loud enough almost everyone stopped rolling. Kinda sucks walking around today😆.
  15. CurSedVoyce

    In The News...

    I recently implimented a policy for consults. If there is no address posted, the perspective client must meet me to go to the location. I had threats last time I was trying to look for a property with out one. We have cartel grows that move into seemingly vacant property.
  16. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  17. treesmith

    In The News...
  18. Treeaddict

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    It’s terrible, I know.
  19. Treeaddict

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I found the Chuck Norris jokes! I find them humorous in the proper dose.
  20. stikine

    The RIP Thread...

    John Mayall