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  • Before: Jan 7, 2015
  • Users: Husabud
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  1. Husabud

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    So I was able to put a whopping ten minutes on the clock today. The new chipper clock that is. This thing is a beast! Bandit 255XP. With the Boxer and BMG, we will be moving through work at a much higher rate.
  2. Husabud

    I love chipping.

    Hey Sawman, here's a shameless plug. There's some room in the price too.
  3. Husabud

    The RIP Thread...

    Bipolar normally goes unknown. My condolences.
  4. Husabud

    Animated Shorts

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Husabud

    Tag axle/ Log arch design/ build

    Mine is actually two little wheels side by side. I honestly don't see using it that much with them, but they are large enough to not be a bother. If it's mud season on the other hand.....
  6. Husabud

    Pinched nerve in shoulder

    Go get an MRI of your neck. Sounds like a bulging or herniated disc to me. I had the same issues for months and finally went to see some one. Turned out I had three fractured vertebrae and a herniated disc at C-4/5. Now I have a fused neck at C-4/5/6. Don't wait too long. I hope I'm wrong.
  7. Husabud

    Tag axle/ Log arch design/ build

    I just bought one of these to strap to the end of a log for dragging. It is awesome. There is a trolley wheel that pins in near the handle if you want. I was going to grab the Stein version at TCIA, but Nick didn't have one to sell right there. It ends up Randy got it. This Logrite is very well...
  8. Husabud

    How'd it go today?

    This came through my FB feed Rajan. I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. He seems a very outgoing guy. My condolences.
  9. Husabud

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Not long ago, but long enough. Happy birthday Squish!
  10. Husabud

    Newest Terex Environmental Equipment Dealer!

    $1100 on $55,000
  11. Husabud

    Helmet comms

    That explains it, I have the SMH-10.
  12. Husabud

    The MS150 Has Arrived

  13. Husabud

    The MS150 Has Arrived

    Hey Chainsaw, good to see you here! Maybe a lot out of your field, but probably enough interesting. im glad you came by to check it out. Any thoughts on the Yeti? Lol
  14. Husabud

    Helmet comms

    Ok, what units are youse guys usin? What sticky stuff?
  15. Husabud

    Helmet comms

    It only comes off at the end of the day to charge. I can only fit just so much shit on my dash.
  16. Husabud

    Helmet comms

    I have the Protos too. I moved a comm set from my Kask to the Protos and it is as easy as could be. The pac clips in and out daily for charging, goin on two yrs now. Excellent helmet and superb communication units.
  17. Husabud

    Tcia convention

    I'm gonna talk his ear off or take him down! LOL
  18. Husabud

    Tcia convention

    Let's hope.
  19. Husabud

    Tcia convention

    I'd like to think I'd be elevated to some extent.
  20. Husabud

    Tcia convention

    Well looks like my plans have changed. TCIA totally frigged me out of the CTSP course. I seriously wonder why I give them money each yr. looks like I'll make a quick trip Fri for the show and maybe an equip acquisition.