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  1. B

    My chain saw is camping out for the night...

    SUCCESS! Both saws are safe and everything is on the ground! When I went up I did see a long crack, so I took some webbing and wrapped the stub portion. Stub is about 4 feet from the trunk. Glad I did because it split and sounded like a gun when I got half way through the back cut! Glad I...
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    My chain saw is camping out for the night...

    I started with my handsaw I carry but it was no match for the size and hardness of the dead ash limb...or my energy level at that point! Honestly though, I was afraid I could not cut through the back fast enough with a hand saw. I had visions of it splitting out and some weird barber chair type...
  3. B

    Why 1/3?

    Is the angled back cut supposed to keep the barber chair from opening up? Kind of give it a heel to hold it?
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    My chain saw is camping out for the night...

    I tethered it to the stub portion already. Did not want it falling free and jerking my saddle while my hands are full with the other saw.
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    My chain saw is camping out for the night...

    Big ash tree I have been working on in my spare time. Finally got a chance this evening to get in the tree after planning this cut for awhile. It is a large overhung limb that can be bombed straight down. To get to it I had to set a long lanyard from the side to pull me away from it to cut it...
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    What harness and what do you like about it???

    I may have to try that! My excess line from my lanyard and climbing line gets hung on my saw and I have to "unravel" it.
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    SRT to DRT in the tree?

    I got my CT simple ascender yesterday to finish up my frog system. Petzal hand ascender with foot loop and safety lanyard to my saddle, CT ascender to rope bridge for second safety and a CT foot ascender. To descend, just going to add the GriGri midline and remove the CT ascenders. Used the...
  8. B

    Most efficient webbing knot?

    I did one with the water knot, the beer knot is much cleaner and supposed to be stronger? Those two knots are what I find when searching, but curious if someone has any strength testing data. Not quite mastered the wife's industrial sewing machine yet. I feel way more comfortable with a knot...
  9. B

    Most efficient webbing knot?

    Not sure if this should go here or the climbing section. I picked up a 20ft price of tubular webbing to make some slings and other cheap items. I made a few with the Beer Knot and was wondering wondering what is the strongest webbing knot?
  10. B

    Tree felling vids

    Grendel, Thanks for the video! I do have a question, I noticed you brought up your safety line and would recinch it to the tree as needed. Is it acceptable to use the carabineer like that or would that be considered a type of side load? I have thought about doing it that way. Thanks.
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    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    What are some of the things he did wrong?
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    Goin' Gluten Free

    My wife has Celiac's . When we first met I thought the GF was a bunch of hogwash. Well, to someone who truly has Celiac's it is real! We make our own hard cider and now I drink little to no beer, but drink a lot of hard cider. Angry Orchard Iceman is good. Eating out is very challenging. We...
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    TreeStuff Parties

    I already have. I did not get any confirmation etc? I notice that this is on a Friday. Looks like I might have to fill in at work on that Friday. Arrggghhh....
  14. B

    I couldn't do it...

    REVENGE!!! Wife did not quite get my crawler parked back into its spot from winching the tree earlier in this post. Came home for lunch and something looked funny. A tree from further up in the woods had fallen and the canopy landed right where the crawler is normally parked!
  15. B

    How's the splice today?

    New England Justice flip line/lanyard. Waiting on the shrink tube to arrive from Treestuff tomorrow.
  16. B

    Why 1/3?

    80 percent ? Is that face cut depth or 80 percent left for the back cut? I got Jepsons book on the way.
  17. B

    Why 1/3?

    Thanks for the replies. I get the Drip line on my FB. Some scary stuff! Went through some of the OSHA stuff last night. I will get that book. Got some more stuff I need from treestuff so I will throw that in the cart.
  18. B

    Why 1/3?

    I have been searching and see plenty of directions but no reasons? Why make the face cut 1/3 diameter? On a perfectly balanced tree so to speak, a face cut of 1/3 and then a back cut, seems like it would not fall, or once the face cut is removed, does the tree lean over some before the back cut...
  19. B

    Tree felling vids

    At 3:16 he chunks out a piece with a rope on the top. Noticed it is not blocked to the tree but is that just a safety pull line?
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    I couldn't do it...

    Excellent words. Another truthful one: "Experience can be a cruel teacher, it gives the test before the lesson" My oldest son is extremely hard headed and no longer does any side work with me for his lack of attention to safety due to his vast "intellectual knowledge". Awhile back i stopped...