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  1. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    How long are those straight gaffs, Pete? Measured from point to where they hit the shank of the climbing iron.
  2. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Thanks for the feedback and info, Leon.
  3. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I think both Leon, I, and you share poor opinion of the 2 ring autolock MM, Jeff. This unit that he has posted a pic of has a more standard type autolock sleeved gate. Or was there something else about the MM you disliked?
  4. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    You are most welcome, Leon. It's my pleasure. I was just looking at those in the Bishop catalog, Leon. I too have a pair of the Mighty Mouse biners with the double spring ring autolock...not only are they irritatingly difficult to open when desired, they are frightenly easy to open...
  5. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    :lol: :lol: 8)
  6. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Thanks, Leon.
  7. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I, like Butch, ordered mine from Sherrill, but the instructions that came with it were not well thought out, nor did they allow any m.a. I have heard of other people finding a suitable release from sailing equipment suppliers for less $$, just make sure that the component that captures the...
  8. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    BigShot trigger Here ya go, Dave. This one uses a Winchard sailing halyard release, one that works when loaded and opens wide to freely release the captured halyard, or in this case, BigShot pocket. It's set up to use 2:1 m.a. when cocking the BS, with a Distel hitch to capture the gain...
  9. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I have a pretty good one, I'll see about getting some pictures.
  10. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    That's sweet, Pete. Now you want to set up a nice trigger...with that and a bit of practice your accuracy will be amazing.
  11. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I guess he might well get mad at me, too. And I'll be sorry for that. But I stand by my post.
  12. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    No offense, Carl, no way that you could I suppose, but you appear to have absolutely zero understanding of the hazards of falling timber in natural stands. Horrific injuries and fatalities are far too common, and they almost always happen at or near the stump. It's because trees that don't go...
  13. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    You know, Dent is one tough little SOB. I'd likely bet against either one of you :lol: . Boys, I'm not advocating his style, far from it. I hope you can see that from my posts. But I do think I have some understanding of what makes him tick, and fwiw, he has the chops to back up the noise.
  14. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    That is classic Dent style. But it's worth noting that in so doing he is making a point that he feels strongly about; that wood wedges are not to be trusted when falling timber and the consequences of doing so include death. Doug has more than a passing aquaintance with how easily trees can...
  15. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I couldn't agree more, Ratty. I am very fortunate to have had these years of exposure to his lessons. He is largely responsible for me being the cutter I am brag, just fact, I'm a fair hand at it. Doug Dent is one of the big reasons.
  16. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    It is a FS requirement that any employee or volunteer who uses a chainsaw in the course of their work must have training and be certified as competent at their level of certification. There are 3 levels: A is entry level, basically a trainee, must operate under the supervision of a B or C; B is...
  17. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    That be true, Gary. Doug Dent has been the contract instructor for C class faller/buckers on the Mt. Hood NF since the USFS chainsaw certification program started back in the mid/late 1980's. I'll have my bi-annual re-cert. course under him again this early summer, unless something changes...
  18. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two loose eventually, but it can be a bother. If I clip a OP Jake into the big ring and run my line through that it never gets bound up as the 90* turn imposed on the biner makes it stand proud from the tree and the retriever slips right through, easy peasy. Even if you are not a spliceing...
  19. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Whooohooo!! Thanks, Nick. I'll take comparison pics of your work alongside the replacement Sherrill sent me and put them up in the Autopsy thread.
  20. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    No pressure from my end, Nick, but do you have a guess when that Poison Ivy splice might make it's way to your workbench? I'm looking forward to it when you have the time.