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  1. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    This has been SOP for me for a long time now. It is the simplest and fastest way to be tied in twice on basic spur, strip and chunk removals. The HH works great for this being that it is short and rugged enough to not need constant vigilance and because it is a hitch-based system, it holds...
  2. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    On thick canopy evergreens I will often just shoot my line over the top of entire tree, pull it back up and drop the throw bag down the the center. I then pull up my climbing line and tie it off to a nearby tree or other object that I deem strong enough. Take care in testing to make sure the...
  3. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    I think it is ArbPro 9mm. I am not a 100% sure because Paul sent it to me. He probably told me and I forgot.
  4. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    I like it, Paul. It runs as nice as Armor-prus but I still don't have much time on it so can't say if it will last as long. The long tails do look kind of goofy but they have not gotten in my way at all.
  5. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    I have been using an old isc fixed sideplate that I modified so that I can snap it on or off the carabiner. This really helps as I find it difficult to put on or remove otherwise and that makes redirects slow and that is not good. It would be good if someone would make a pulley like this but...
  6. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    You know, I was playing with this today and for this to work with any kind of consistency it really does need to have the pulley in place on the bridge ring/HH carabiner connection. Just switching to a knee ascender will not, by it self, produce consistent, inline advancement when a chest...
  7. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Kevin, when using a hand ascender above the HH the line tension will soften around it as you put weight on the foot loop or just pull down on it without a foot loop. When like this, the weight of the HH will make the carabiner rotate if you try advancing from the bridge ring. It still works...
  8. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Good job on that tether! One of the nice things about a tether like that is that it works like a corner trap and keeps the carabiner in proper alignment, which is actually important. Because I am using a knee and foot ascender and not a hand ascender I don't need to clip into my tether any...
  9. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    No, not really any major difference, just the typical hitch related nuance.
  10. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    You might want to try tying your hitch so that the legs are on the other side, towards the aluminum heat sink. Vortex is a very comforting and secure feeling, like holding onto an umbilical cord......God, what a memory!
  11. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Haha!! Not quite, but close. I'm just happy to be able to climb on a system that works so well.
  12. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    A foot and a knee ascender are the only extra tools I carry for ascending. Once up top, the knee ascender gets hung on my harness and never gets in my way. For the very few times that I need extra umph to get myself out of a tuff spot, I attach a small prusic loop with a revolver carabiner for...
  13. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    It is interesting how different we all are and what works for some and not for others. I simply love 8mm armor-prus. Five wraps on the HH hitch sliding on soft, fat Vortex, is so smooth and nonfussy for me, that I have stopped trying to find something better. I also find it interesting how...
  14. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    The hitch cord will change as it breaks in but that is probably not going to make a big difference. Have you tried using less wraps with real short tails? Also try some fat rope if you can get your hands on some as that can make a big difference.
  15. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    What rope are you using, Joe? I have tried lots of hitch configurations and keep coming back to the HH hitch. For me 8 mm Armor-Prus on Vortex is very forgiving and smooth.
  16. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Looking good, my friend. Add a foot and knee ascender and I'm betting you will have a hard time wiping the grin off your face. About where to attach your chest harness, the bridge ring is best IMO. It is smooth and consistent even at off angles, but it is important to use some sort of...
  17. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Nice, Burnham! There are several aspects of that I really like and you have given me more ideas. Do watch the lowest bolt on the HH and how the pulley and it play together. You can see in this picture that I removed the button head and replaced it with a flush mounted machine screw. Also...
  18. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Wow, glad you're OK. Yes, trapping the carabiner in proper alignment is pretty important. One of the things I like most about the 8 mm AP and Vortex when used with the HH hitch is that it always grabs but is soft and quick to release and set. Many other combinations if they break easy...
  19. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    Though it would probably work, I am not sure that DMM would approve. They made a special bushing for it just to reduce any lateral loads to the side plates. Using it on the HH in the slack tending position would load it to the outside sloping edge of the carabiner, making the side plates want...
  20. DMc

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    That is a tremendous compliment coming from someone with your knowledge base, Burnham. Thank you.