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  1. woodworkingboy

    Gardening - Growing Your Own.

    Just south of me is a large agricultural region, at least large by our standards. A good friend of mine is heavily into ag, renting more and more properties that the elderly generation can no longer look after themselves. He can get the fields cheap now. I help him out from time to time. This...
  2. woodworkingboy

    I'm joining the circus!

    I recently red an article about the lives of the Ringling Brother's performers, many wondering what they are going to do now. They talked about their lives in the circus, the things you mentioned, Sean, like living conditions. Maybe it was only in more modern times, but that circus seemed like...
  3. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    I wouldn't go for employees using phones at work if it was much if a distraction or something that they felt the need to do an abundant amount. When they pick and choose their moments to make a call or answer would be relevant as well. The thing that I don't understand is making hard fast rules...
  4. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Rules are for people that can't figure things out for themselves. If an employee gets the overall lowdown, has common sense about what their responsibilities are and meets them on a regular basis, including working hard, don't they deserve the odd minute or two during the day for private...
  5. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    If cops could choose what types of people it is that they have to go check out, probably that type gal wouldn't be high on their list.
  6. woodworkingboy


    Yep. Grilled with a slightly sweet sauce. One place I know offers the small crispy crunchy bones as an appetizer. Very good with beer.
  7. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Pretty heavy out of it.
  8. woodworkingboy

    Grapple for mini

    Articulating grapples are the shitz!
  9. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Justin, could that drone possibly have something to do with the neighbor's property line issue? I suppose that you'd be seeing someone operating it, but my surveyor friend was just telling me today that drones are getting used more and more in surveying. With the arial photography a tremendous...
  10. woodworkingboy


    My wife hates snakes. We were shopping somewhere and the place had some rubber toy snakes. I put one in her shopping basket and gave her a little nudge to look down. She gave a shout, dropped her basket and did a little dance. Ha..mean...:D Speaking of snakes or snake like, grilled...
  11. woodworkingboy


    Ray, it was so long ago, I honestly don't recall the name of the company, though Silver Springs seems to ring a bell. That thing is, they also supplied some four legged creatures, so the place I bought from was more than just a reptile institute. It must have been well before the days when...
  12. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Cool pics, Sam.
  13. woodworkingboy


    The blood isn't bad, well, it tastes like blood. I can still taste that other shit. :|:
  14. woodworkingboy


    In the big town not far away there used to be a snake blood serving establishment. They had snakes in cages along a wall. It was kind of dark in there. You'd tell the proprietor what you wanted...or maybe he'd tell you want you wanted. He'd kill the snake and bring the blood in a whisky glass...
  15. woodworkingboy


    Down Okinawa way that have a common poisonous species called Habu. They pay good money to people catching them. Many of the captured snakes get put in a large glass container containing shochu, an alcoholic beverage. The dead snake remains permanently in the container and the liquid grows...
  16. woodworkingboy

    Solo Cedar removal

    The Starbucks at the hospital even has a little library where you can read about medical stuff. While waiting for your exam results, you can be sipping your soy latte and reading about prostate cancer. Nice!
  17. woodworkingboy


    When I was a kid there was a wildlife supply place in Florida that you could order an amazing assortment of creatures from, even foreign species. Snakes came in the mail in special packaging. If one died in transit or shortly after arrival, if you cut off the head and packed it in salt and...
  18. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Shitty way to die, down in a cattle guard eaten by a snake.
  19. woodworkingboy

    Tree felling vids

    Looks like not much to get excited about. They went with the guy walking around the job with a fag in his mouth.
  20. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    You're welcome.