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  1. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    The media attention that Woods gets, whether he does well on the course or poorly, would probably make anyone crazy. That and juggling so many women at one time. :lol:
  2. woodworkingboy

    Teach me to cut fast

    Your dad is talking about ripping chains (cutting with the grain), or he should be. :)
  3. woodworkingboy

    Where's a good deal on Stihl chains, and can soft chains be tempered?

    Hardening I doubt it.
  4. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Right, Gary, rice fields. I think i deleted those photos to try not to remember that job. It's that time of year again though. :/: Peter, i think I would be a little incredulous too if it was a push mower. Could they have been listening to their favorite rock and roll song at the time?
  5. woodworkingboy

    Gardening - Growing Your Own.

    Willie, he's going to leave you to take care of the weeds? :|: Does he plant only one corn variety? Not concerned about cross pollination if mixed? What's he do with all that produce?
  6. woodworkingboy

    But I'm not dead yet ... Age and climbing

    Good to read you, Bob. Sorry to learn of a stroke. Good luck on a complete recovery.
  7. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Me? No, my mower almost went into the drink too, but I caught it and only bent the handle. Not your average home owner's mowers though. These have multiple gears in either direction and climb steep embankments.
  8. woodworkingboy

    The RIP Thread...

    Sean, I had a friend die in an avalanche as well. Gregg Allmän...
  9. woodworkingboy

    Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

    Poor coverage in the secondary.
  10. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    In all fairness, Peter, lawn mowers can get away from you. Once I saw a guy go off an edge and totally sink one in an irrigation canal. He went in after it.
  11. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    It's a good offer. I can pull nails. :)
  12. woodworkingboy

    Barn takedown and hayshed repair

    I think you could get rid of "antique barn wood" easier than crappy wood. ;)
  13. woodworkingboy

    Grapple for mini

    I bet that tires are better than putting tracks back on in a lot of mud. :|:
  14. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    No, not on the phone, MB, I think I probably was on my way to some pear trees. You're too kind, Squish. I'd relish the opportunity to work with you. Sure I'd have your back. I've been reading what you guys have been saying about your crews for years, I could do with seeing it for myself...
  15. woodworkingboy

    Songs I Like

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. woodworkingboy

    Gardening - Growing Your Own.

    Yeah, good point, planting seeds is easy, little calculation involved and not much fear of losing a finger or being maimed in other ways. I guess a gopher could bite your finger off by mistake, though. Anything else threatening living under ground? A little danger could add interest.
  17. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Andy's from Kansas....hmm.
  18. woodworkingboy

    Grapple for mini

    If you have the reach, a rotator is a big big plus for loading logs, both as a time saver and effort required by the operator.
  19. woodworkingboy

    Gardening - Growing Your Own.

    Yes, Jim, that is an element that already occurred to me, being more involved with the operation than just doing the tasks with no connection beyond that. Interesting to read you say about your mind being active. Repetitive work is a somewhat complex phenomenon. I've run up against it with...
  20. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Squish, in fairness you did say that you had a phone available for emergencies, I missed that. I think you go a little overboard on your demands in some things, but that's your right if you think you need that to succeed and people are willing to adhere to them. I guess like Sean said, there is...