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  1. woodworkingboy

    New project

    Worth a try. Thanks.
  2. woodworkingboy

    New project

    :|: Husky 163... Did a removal and the guy that hired me brought out an old 163S (63ccs). S is for? Saying he couldn't get it to start, I pulled off the plug and pulling the starter must have shot gas into his yard ten times....I mean way into his yard! Stinky gas too. If I hadn't noticed...
  3. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

  4. woodworkingboy

    Sunseeker visit to Lava Beds NM

    Looks like the fresh air brought you guys to the peak of health. Dig that sink in the ground.
  5. woodworkingboy

    Fighting The Heat!!!

    Brian, it's like the monsoon season. you must have a lot of creepy crawlers in your neighborhood.
  6. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Cool pics, Sam, looks like you were working in the shade. Crows are cool, I'd like to befriend one again. If they didn't eat and poop so much....basically non stop.
  7. woodworkingboy

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    There used to be a lot of Brazilians here, people of Japanese ancestry whose earlier generation moved to Brazil. The grandchildren and such could get working visas here pretty easy. There was a Brazilian food market and a restaurant in town. The market was cheap and had all kinds of stuff you...
  8. woodworkingboy

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    You'd probably get along well in Brazil, Jim. From what I have seen of Brazilians here, they eat a lot of beef. Just learn the samba...
  9. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Even if I locked my car I'd keep my windows open. I hate getting into a hot car. Also, I need to reach in for my medications from time to time! :lol:
  10. woodworkingboy

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Steak, American beef!
  11. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    That's crazy, Rich! I'd expect at least a free lunch out of it.
  12. woodworkingboy

    gotta get this one off my chest

    I'm not sure a person can aways say what they please, even in a free country. Better to sometimes leave it at think what you please.
  13. woodworkingboy

    Tag Team Climb

    Nicely done....good teach.
  14. woodworkingboy

    Wind shear pig nut hickory

    I wondered if you could just tear the top off with your tractor. Glad you got it worked out, Al. By stuck, I guess you mean that the trunk is still standing?
  15. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    I heard an interesting radio program on this case, it was the former cop telling of his whole experience. Some years back he was convicted and sent to prison, but it was all bullshit. Later a judge threw the whole thing out on appeal, even discarded the initial charges, which is unusual. The...
  16. woodworkingboy

    gotta get this one off my chest

    The way the arbor supply places sell shit it seems like it could be a game.
  17. woodworkingboy

    TEDx talks

    What is he saying that hasn't been said by lots of people before? I've told my kid that on numerous occasions, not particularly regarding if being in a war, but about taking responsibility for your actions. Pretty intense dude the way he talks.
  18. woodworkingboy

    Stihl MS650 -- broken -- rebuild?

    I agree with Brian. I'd run it and see. You should be able to tell if it is running much hotter than normal. I wonder how hard it would be to tack on some fins if need be?
  19. woodworkingboy

    Anyone in a band or play an instrument?

    Here's something to get you warmed up, Dave. Wonder if Tony is playing again? I know that you've seen and played with many, but he sure seemed like a phenom. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. woodworkingboy

    Wind shear pig nut hickory

    That's enchanting, Al, like what a young couple about to be married might like to walk under on their way to the alter. Hickory is tough resilient stuff for sure.