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  1. woodworkingboy

    Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

    Some crazy mad inventor connected to that device!
  2. woodworkingboy

    Tree felling vids

    What you use for pulling can dictate approaches as well. With a motorized device I imagine it's a little harder to determine the amount of tension on the line than say with a Tirfor, where how hard it is to move the handle tells how much pull is going. With the Tirfor, the cut a little pull a...
  3. woodworkingboy

    Tree felling vids

    Different approaches for sure and not meant as a criticism, but why not get it leaning over farther in the desired direction before completing your cut and relying on a small hinge and the final pull? Is there an advantage in pretty much only holding it until the final go?
  4. woodworkingboy

    Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

    Understandable, he needed a drink after that.
  5. woodworkingboy


    She could kick Stig's ass for sure.
  6. woodworkingboy

    Wind shear pig nut hickory

    Agreed. Al is like the cowboy in Steinbeck's "Red Pony". Tough, but keeps one of his hands coated in vaseline in a leather glove so to be kind to his lady friends.
  7. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    I wish my truck had such acceleration. When someone gets on my bumper I just slam on the brakes. Nice when in the rear view mirror it seems that you've spilled their coffee. The frustrating thing is when after that person turns off the next person comes up and gets on my bumper too. :X Not...
  8. woodworkingboy

    intentional barber chair

    Not an unuseful technique for crane work sometimes when there is imbalance with limbs and lean in the top pick. Whittle it down to the middle and the pick can move about before leaving the cut and the crane can make adjustments. It helps beginners in not getting their saws stuck. I wonder if...
  9. woodworkingboy

    Anyone in a band or play an instrument?

    Cool you had a good time, Dave. There are so many good musicians, I don't know how you guys do it. Y'all must take good care of your fingernails.
  10. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Ah..can we see number seven again?
  11. woodworkingboy

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Great to acquire machines that have been well looked after, maybe even better than new. Good luck with them, Rich.
  12. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

  13. woodworkingboy

    Trail clearing

    I know at least one use for antlers besides as an ornament. When ground up, the dust makes a super fine abrasive. Lacquer artists use it for a final polish. I wonder if sword smiths might have as well?
  14. woodworkingboy

    intentional barber chair

    Wow, an old limb in the hinge area! Kind of nice to have only heard about such a thing and not have suffered from it yourself.
  15. woodworkingboy

    Trail clearing

    What about putting Buddy on a long leash when crossing those logs?
  16. woodworkingboy

    Songs I Like

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. woodworkingboy

    Part time genius

    Put this in the religion thread. Things usually work out.
  18. woodworkingboy

    intentional barber chair

    Grain might be a factor as well. Would it still split up if there was grain runout around and above the hinge? Try it. :D
  19. woodworkingboy

    4 th of July parade

    I remember a local parade where a bunch of woodworkers got together and marched in it like a military squad manipulating their rifles. Instead of rifles though, they were using battery operated drills.
  20. woodworkingboy

    Wind shear pig nut hickory

    I've a feeling that there's a beer can in the picture when all is said and done.