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  1. climbernz

    NWA Cottenwood Takedown

    i agree , using it without a half hitch could cause some issues and quickly wear it out and create heat but it would have to be used with that in mind e.g. using it to connect slings to ropes and instead of tying a running bowline after your half hitch can save a few min ....... they are...
  2. climbernz

    NWA Cottenwood Takedown

    i am going to start experimenting with some of these for rigging instead of biners, i have been meaning to for a long time now but i made one up the other day out of tenex but will get some more of these in various strengths
  3. climbernz

    NWA Cottenwood Takedown

    there is danger in side loading but as its been said numerous times that the half hitch takes a lot of the force, i feel the danger is when you start negative rigging with a carabiner then not only do you have to watch the side loading but you have to be careful about the orientation of the crab...
  4. climbernz

    NWA Cottenwood Takedown

    yeah it varies a lot from tree to tree , i find that its very rare to have over two wraps unless its some serious snatching going on. did you use the bollard or the winch ?
  5. climbernz

    NWA Cottenwood Takedown

    big tree , nice work evan. it makes things much faster when your man on the ropes knows what he's doing :thumbup:
  6. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    he had a walkie talkie to the foreman so they could communicate where to what etc. but most of the time he was 300 odd meters away i just hung around waiting for the chains ......... but 3.5 tonne at max reach , can't complain really.:/:
  7. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    i reckon they were about 60 to 70 odd meters tall so thats 200 feet for you guys over there. i wanted to be able to talk with the driver but the only way was to get the walkie talkie up to him haha so hand gestures it was , it made for some really interesting work .
  8. climbernz

    How'd it go today?

    well done on the job mate, look forward to the vid :thumbup:
  9. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    mastermind, what an improvement on the saws. alright chainsaw nuts , heres a few pics from big G. we used the cranes when they had a free spot so it was quite a frantic cut and load into the ateigo , we had trucks needing to get through our loading zone so i was running back to help kai sorry...
  10. climbernz

    Hanging limbs

    nice to see some pics reg , welcome to the treehouse mate
  11. climbernz

    Tree Houser selfie thread

    Haha Nice one butch :thumbup:
  12. climbernz

    Tree Houser selfie thread

    Loving the photos guys , heres one of the gf and i
  13. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    the boys and i have been deadwooding some nice big trees at a castle this week heres a few snaps t
  14. climbernz

    Before & After Tree Care

    nice work treelooker , see ya then:thumbup:
  15. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Really nice peter , what was the reason or reasons for the reduction?
  16. climbernz

    Before & After Tree Care

    there were some torsion marks on some leaders , not quite hazard beams but i think the officer got scared and wanted a 20% reduction but that basically would have doomed the tree. We had a look around and decided on a light reduction of the top and to take a little more off the affected...
  17. climbernz

    Before & After Tree Care

    cheers guys , nice one bixler:thumbup:
  18. climbernz

    Before & After Tree Care

    heres a nice tulip we reduced last year
  19. climbernz

    What is the best all-around Arborist boot?!?!

    my personal favourites are the air streams , good for climbing , great for spikes , incredibly waterproof and breathable(never let a drop through). the only complaint is that they can get a little cold but thats it. for pruning and deadwooding i use scarpa pro ascents.
  20. climbernz

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    yeah mate she's not the brightest but she's a great dog, after two or three years of non stop misbehaving she's calmed down and is very obedient . 2 years is young joe, I'm sure you'll be able to train him up in no time mate