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  1. climbernz

    Climber worth???

    yeah thats interesting a , the living costs here are very reasonable so Its not a bad gig. I got my quals in nz and with a bit of fluffing around with insurance they transferred directly over. I'm not on the day rates as i am employed so i get paid per hour but for me its a lot less stress...
  2. climbernz

    Climber worth???

    Haha im a kiwi , just over here for work while my girl studies. yeah it sounds like not much has changed since then mate , personally I'm employed and its not a bad gig , i get to work in one of the nicest cites in germany and basically do a freelancers job without the hassle of having to mess...
  3. climbernz

    Climber worth???

    sounds like you're busy mate. what sort of day rate are freelancers getting in norway rich? the price here varies from around 250 to 350 euros and sometimes even more depending.
  4. climbernz

    The secured footlock...?

    Having an access line is a good move , i use one for nearly every tree and just leave it in as i work. srt for access all the way , the only time i foot lock is for a competition and sometimes if its a perfect foot lock line. at the ripe age of 23 i have a small issue with my knee and if i do...
  5. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    beautiful tree mate ,nice work
  6. climbernz

    palmy tuesday

    crazy crane, nice job
  7. climbernz

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    words fail me
  8. climbernz

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    i know you can't fit a normal revolver through there but could you fit a wire gate revolver through the bat plate ? that would give the best of both worlds.
  9. climbernz

    experimental tree work - Hahndorf

    yeah it looked like you had a considerable amount of rope in the system to absorb some of that shock. I'm originally from nz mate , I'm just playing around over here in Germany. I'ts a good place here at the treehouse bro , keep the vids coming
  10. climbernz

    experimental tree work - Hahndorf

    hey sthilmad, nice to see you on here mate , always enjoy your vids bro . the setup is pretty risky with all the force generated with shocking that line . how was the line attached? two separate trees and one with a base tie? cool stuff anyway bro , keep the vids coming :thumbup:
  11. climbernz

    Tree felling vids

    :Obet your spewing about that job site mate , looks rough. how do you go about wind firming reg? is it just reducing limbs and thinning or is there a bit of a knack to it ? its interesting the different types of tree work going on in different places , here in Heidelberg we reduce anything and...
  12. climbernz

    Tree felling vids

    nice one reg ,that hook looks huge though mate ,how much does it weigh? I've been using one loaned off a friend and they are an absolute godsend and energy saver on big spreading trees its quite compact and just fits flat along the back of my...
  13. climbernz

    Stihl 201 upgrade kit

    my company here in germany has both a new one and two old ones ....... the difference is huge , throttle response is much nicer. i put it next to my 200 and it was almost as good .
  14. climbernz

    The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

    yo adam , welcome mate :thumbup:
  15. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I'm no expert jomo but from what i have seen i think your right heres a heavily reduced horse chestnut i felled not so long ago with fomes
  16. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    looks like Fomes fomentarius jomo :thumbup:
  17. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I like your style :thumbup:
  18. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I like it max , the people here in Germany go bat crazy if anything goes near their new Mercedes :O
  19. climbernz

    Tree felling vids

    showoff:P :thumbup:
  20. climbernz

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    nice cutting stig. mike , your pics are seriously cool bro :thumbup: