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  1. woodworkingboy

    Mariposa Fire....hows Stephen doing??

    My dad was a medical technician working the fire lines for the Red Cross, mostly in Southern California. At one he lost his long time best friend decapitated by a helicopter rotor. Hugh was standing on the bed of a truck and it backed up into it. I particularly remember when dad came home from...
  2. woodworkingboy


    I've been smacked in the face by Kabutomushi when on my bicycle at night and it can raise up a good welt. At 75mph it might just knock you out. Cool bugs. Their bodies are armor plated. Not the best fliers but they can lumber along heavy, mostly looking for Oak tree sap, their yummy.
  3. woodworkingboy

    The Water Bottle Challenge

    I hate wasting water.
  4. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    1863 listed members at the forum now, and 1862 are happy to agree with you. :lol:
  5. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That's a cool looking street, Fiona. Is that near your residence?
  6. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    That's a great photo!
  7. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Didn't that pose have the customer wondering?
  8. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Room to think.
  9. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rajan, looks like some work there!
  10. woodworkingboy

    White boys suck

    Frans, have you tried going the older retired guys route. People needing to supplement their social security can make for a good ethic, maybe guys remembering when times were hard too. Then there's working keeps you young!
  11. woodworkingboy

    White boys suck

    I take no offense. :D My experience is similar, Mexicans are hard workers, but then they might get drunk and beat up their women. At least the ones that worked the apple orchards in north cali.
  12. woodworkingboy

    "Triangle" Method of Falling Head Leaners to Prevent Barber Chair?

    Yes, good study. To face or not to face.
  13. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Great news, Chris. It seems surprising that the doc would say that and cause great worry without really knowing.
  14. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    So, maybe Brendon got married too?
  15. woodworkingboy

    Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

    Mill making steel rod.
  16. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Stumper got hitched and blew us off...can't imagine why? :lol:
  17. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Sheese Deva, I'm thinking we might be seeing you soon wearing a three piece suit. Handsome you'd be in that too.
  18. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Yes, Stumper (Justin)....bow hunter, he's remembered well. Say hi if you see him, and no law against stopping in at the forum now and then.
  19. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    Especially people that toss cigarette butts is mystifying. I've seen farmers throw their butts in the canals around, the same ones that water their crops. Fortunately, it's much better now than it once was when people would stop their cars at any old place and turn their ashtrays upside down...
  20. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    OJ gets his NFL pension, the civil suit can't touch that. He can live a life of pretty good leisure, I believe.