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  • Before: Feb 23, 2014
  • Users: Szajer
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  1. Szajer

    New Helmet

    I use the Kong Scarab. Light weight, sits close to the head and vents beautifully.
  2. Szajer

    How Do You Brace Yourself When Takin A Wild Ride?

    Ugh! Just had this happen where I was knocking out a 15' top of a Norfolk Pine. My employer has no prior knowledge of running ropes, so I knew I was in for a rough ride. As the top comes back into the trunk, I was never thrown in my entire career as I was that day. Next day there were bruises...
  3. Szajer

    Shizll rope slider

    I picked one up a few days ago from TreeStuff. I like it. Posted a review of it there which I'll copy and paste here.
  4. Szajer

    weirdest thing put through or stuck in a chipper!

    I've got a great one! Was working in an upperclass area back in my hometown. The street we were on was a single lane that lead to just a few homes and we were blocking nearly the entire road with the truck and chipper. Both sides were lined by a wooded area and my buddy found a giant puffer...
  5. Szajer

    The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

    I wanted to clarify what I meant by saying "nuts & bolts." Don't want to make a bad first impression.. Noticed that there are loads of active threads there that have to do with equipment, saws and complete system breakdowns. Anyway, though I have a knack for mechanical skills, I'm more...
  6. Szajer

    The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

    The name is Francis, but you can call me psycho. Nah-- szajer is my name. I'm Magyar. Honestly, I don't watch much of sports. Yeah, weather is one, but I've been coming here since the early 70's as a kid. So it was like my second home really.
  7. Szajer

    The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

    Hello, hoping this site is a little more climbing oriented than another I recently found/joined. Seems over there, lots of those guys are more nuts and bolts than finesse. "No offense." Been a climbing arborist since 1990 - currently working part time in the Tampa Bay Area, and that's how I...