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  • Before: Mar 1, 2014
  • Users: Szajer
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  1. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

    We used to use a 6x6 canvas tarp, like love nick suggested. Whenever we had a giant felled trunk to buck up, you'd slide the tarp under the log's edge, stand on it, then start cutting. Catches all the saw chips. Beats raking a ton of shavings from a lawn.
  2. Szajer

    How'd it go today?

    Alex Honnold ascends "free climbs" Yosemite's Half Dome. I think it's rated as 5.12a Quick explanation of the rating system:
  3. Szajer

    Classic barber chair- VIDEO

    Gotcha. Didn't think about that —duh....
  4. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

    I can't picture in my mind what that is exactly. Sorry, I'm not too good with abstracts.
  5. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I don't get it either. He has lots of quirks that can drive most nuts...
  6. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

    Mine is the pitchfork. Perfect for using in a raking motion to pile up all the debris which handles poorly manually. Then shovel it up, carry it to the truck and pitch it in..... What's yours?
  7. Szajer

    Classic barber chair- VIDEO

    Absolutely. But while carrying, right side only design. And for Pete's sake, brake the bar -or shut it off whilst milling about.
  8. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Thanks. I so want my boss to take pics while I'm up in a tree, but he's a technophobe. I'm sometimes wondering how a fellow Gemini can be so dull half the time... Oh well- different strokes........
  9. Szajer

    Classic barber chair- VIDEO

    Idling saw, bar forward, carrying with left had with the saw resting against the thigh. Saws were designed to be carried right handed. With the bar away from the body, separated by the saw housing.
  10. Szajer

    The Logging Thread

    Seeing that reminds me of back home. Lots of Amish mills throughout the woods in Middlefield Ohio. But I am thankful to live where I am now. Ohio for me is a nice place to visit, just not reside.
  11. Szajer

    Splices I've Done

    Those are sweet! I'm envious :(
  12. Szajer

    Bad chainsaw habits

    Funny way of looking at it -panties in a knot :D But as the loud mouth at the local tavern who talks smack to the wrong guy and gets his bell rung. And as he lying in an emergency room with a fractured skull, broken jaw, cervical herniation - thinking too himself, geeee he sure got his panties...
  13. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Beautiful piece of log Dave. Here are a few pics from my first day with my current employer. It was a Laurel Oak removal.
  14. Szajer

    Blank Profiles SUCK!

    Funny. The zig zag looked to me the one mechanical system I would've purchased. Did it get bad reviews? Besides the product failing of course... Or--- just tell me there's a thread about it and I'll go find it.
  15. Szajer

    The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

    Yep. My birth name is Szajer Jerszak. Funny right. . I had an israeli friend back at Kent State Ohio -and his name was Elon Alon. Not as cool as say, Don Johnson...
  16. Szajer

    Blank Profiles SUCK!

    And to me, that is worth millions! Good on you bro, what a fantastic memory....
  17. Szajer

    Blank Profiles SUCK!

    You would think that, but there's got to be some payoff- right? Or the good folks at Treemagineers wouldn't give two shakes.
  18. Szajer

    Bad chainsaw habits

    Comparatively speaking, no. The throat, from what I'm told, hold numerous arteries and also our main source for sucking air-- air is good. At the waist, we're protected by our gear, clothing, fatty tissue, muscle etc.... The vital organs are nicely packaged deep- in such a way, as to giving...
  19. Szajer

    Bad chainsaw habits

    Another one that "grinds my gears," is- people that run saws close to their vitals. Case and point: we've all been there, up as far as we need to go on a spar, with a final cut —being the top ---and instead of simply stepping up another two feet, you'll see them just reach for the cut. And that...