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  • Before: Mar 1, 2014
  • Users: Szajer
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  1. Szajer

    TreeStuff Product Videos

    Oh, that's for them really hot sweaty days when you've had enough--- you know, to hang yourself with.
  2. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Don't know if anyone remembered a climber by the name of Jeff Jackson, but he made a boo boo or two that I had heard about. When the BigShot first came out, he was using it at the Cleveland ISA climbing competitions, showing folks how well it worked. At first, it was used with the sling being...
  3. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

  4. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

    Damn, I wouldn't know how to act with one of those.
  5. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    I'm still healing from this one. In fact, my g/f is blind without her contacts —climbed into bed with me, kneeing my elbow- ripping off my scab. On my last removal, I was bucking up the felled tree and as I cut thru, I pulled the freed log toward me. Now I'm adamant about always looking for an...
  6. Szajer


    My first day using climbers, my boss had told me a story -of his boss telling him, the dangers of using spurs. And almost immediately after, gaffed right thru his achilles heal. Said he was out for the entire year.
  7. Szajer

    TreeStuff Product Videos

    Wow! I likes it. And I've been using the hook of my pole saw to pull stacked brush....
  8. Szajer


    Has anyone tried it on their own? Seen one? I gave it a whirl with a fig tree I had. I've got a bunch of pics -but my ex wife won't dig them up for me. I have a citrus tree that I'm working with now. It takes years, but if you like nit pick pruning and training it's rather rewarding.
  9. Szajer

    "Must-Have" Clean Up Tools

    What do you guys use for log moving? Single wheelbarrow, log cart, dolly? Anyone tried using the timber claw log grabber. Looks like a great idea.
  10. Szajer

    Big Bang Theory

    He reminds me of a repackaged Woody Allen.
  11. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Long ago, in a state far far away, I had removed a giant Walnut tree. As I finished cutting the stump, I grabbed the cant hook and went to pry it away. Well, it was still attached somewhere -so as I lifted and pivoted I also stepped forward to move with the stump, but it caught somewhere and...
  12. Szajer

    SRT near miss

    As Sean suggested to use a foot ascender with the O-rig, I really like that idea. I also have CT foot pantin I recently purchased and will give it a shot when I have another long climb. Up north where it was 60' to the first branch I would've probably been an SRT pro. But I'll tell ya, I do...
  13. Szajer

    Topping Harms Trees

    C-mon, it's a little close.... :bootyshake:
  14. Szajer

    TreeStuff.Com!!! Noice!
  15. Szajer

    Topping Harms Trees

    Now just maintain those cuts every other season and it's pollarding ;)
  16. Szajer

    Big Bang Theory

    The canned laughter every 8-15 seconds gets a little monotonous. I don't need to be told when to funny.
  17. Szajer

    Metolius Haul/Gear Bags

    Then you should write them. The more people who do, the quicker it gets fixed Oh, and don't forget include your shirt size in the heading ;). I'm wearing mine now...
  18. Szajer

    Topping Harms Trees

    And I've stated the same also. But what I've added was the difference was; "One is managed over time, the latter, isn't." But BOTH are a stubbing of the branch.
  19. Szajer

    Topping Harms Trees

    And as stated by Sharon Lilly, heading, hat racking, topping, all the same. But I'm asking about cutting "anywhere" on the branch, not just one part that will leave a giant wound not easily healed. What would you call that cut?
  20. Szajer

    Metolius Haul/Gear Bags

    Have him pick it up by one strap and sling it over his shoulder as one would do, to wear it like a back pack. That is what happened to me. Metolius acknowledged this design flaw. I'm curious as to if they'll have their Vietnamese assembling team fix this.