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  1. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...dollars), he's found another way to profit by poisoning/sterilizing a population and keeping them dependant on over priced pharmaceuticals !!! *** But his farm will need an incredible amount of cheap human labour to keep them operating and producing huge profits: *** Maybe if his...
  2. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Are they the same or two different people ??? *** Caution: Never play with Tinfoil, its dangerous. *** I'll never use Tinfoil again. I'm switching over to Aluminium Foil instead, it's safer & works better ! Lol .
  3. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ----------------- Hey, your right ! Lol
  4. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Hmm.. .
  5. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    lol . .
  6. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Geeze, I never knew this stuff could be so dangerous:
  7. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...Like this one for example: I have no proof one way or another if this crap has any validity or not and make no claims either way, this is just stuff I stumbled across and thought here would be a good place to post it... FOR THE FUN OF IT !!! Simple as that. *** Now back to work: .
  8. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    I remember when Waco was all over the TV. Nothing about it made any sense to me at that time.. It remind me of a similar event that took place in 1992, The Ruby Ridge Massacre just one year before Waco. Now spin forward to all the false flag shooting & bombings along with their crisis...
  9. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...died of a heart attack, and 2)- 89 years old Donald Tober, the founder of "Sweet-N-Low", jumped to his heath from a New York apartment. *** ( it's used in foods, medicines & tooth past and found to cause allergic reactions in people who can't tolerate sulfa drugs). I found it...
  10. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Recent photo of JFK-Jr (aka John John). Trump & Pence ( or Kennedy ? ) for 2021-2024 ??? President Kennedy and the return of Camelot for 2024 -2028 ??? Can you imagine if this did happen and how the American people (and the world) would react to this if true ??? Who knows. But it's not...
  11. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Anyone remember those letters that certain select people received at George H.W. Bush's ??? Also, does anyone remember who Trump sent to raid in Langley VA during his first year in office ??? Enjoy some random (or not so random) pictures: Just something else to ponder. .
  12. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Thing is, much of this stuff has been going on for a long time and in some cases, centuries ! It's only been in recent years (with the availability of the internet / social media), that people are able to research, share ideas, information and the like. A problem with information on the...
  13. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only far back some of them go. Ok, Here's one I'm sure not many have heard of and it origins date back to the East India Company in 1600 . *** Look up (Google Search): " THE COMMITTEE OF 300 -Who Are They ? " *** *** Also look up it's Origins, History, Agenda, Financial...
  14. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Here's some more for ya: Do you remember that guy from Wikileaks who had a lot of information ??? Could he be somehow related to \trump ??? And food for thought: Is this the result ??? So why the two Space Agencies then ??? Maybe this is why ??? Aren't...
  15. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Then there is controlled media manipulation... ..for example: Has anyone ever noticed that the ones who criticize "ideas" are usually the ones who want it supressed ? Interesting ! .