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  1. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    I have heard about the connection between GW and the Rothchild family, but Hitler ?
  2. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Something else I found on the internet. And I have no idea if it's real or BS. Enjoy : Who know's but sounds like a good conspiracy to me. lol .
  3. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    So Bill Gates with his recently acquired farmland will increase his Monsanto Stock portfolio by planting the companies GMO seeds. Meaning the UN along with the WHO want to regulate the agriculture (foods) farmers will be allowed to grow. .
  4. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    . Jeffry Epstein & Bill Gates : .
  5. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    *** Note the screen blips or pop-up's that appear for a fraction of a second and try to paus them, you'll find them very interesting !
  6. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Here is a fun movie to see with a lot of big named actors: Think of, Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, when watching this movie. .
  7. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    Out Of Shadows came out April 10th 2020 but has been removed & reposted many times. When I looked for it a little later, it was altered from its original versions and later versions content had been Liberalized. There is a tremendous amount of information in this documentary but it only...
  8. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    What if they conspired together and teamed up ??? Just another "Conspiracy Theory" ! lol .
  9. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...makes it hard to know what's true or not. Unfortunately, the truth seems to be what people believe it to be as oppose to the actually truth. *** For example: News Flash: -Due to an unusual amount of rainfall this year, some of Scotland's lakes (or Locks) have...
  10. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...information and applies it to a past occurrences to suggest a plausible explanation. And not to its truth or untruth. ..or to be argued over. *** Frankie, you mentioned videos that went poof. I've had the same thing happen this past year. There was a video/documentary that came...
  11. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...WEAPON" ! In this case , Weather. Now imagine if say China had HARRP and decided to weaponize it against, say the USA, or maybe even Texas... *** (Remember, this is a conspiracy theory). *** Something like this could do great good for farmers all around the world where and or as...
  12. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    . Some more messed up stuff for your viewing pleasure: I told you this was messed up. Lol .
  13. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...ya didn't see that coming Mick, seriously ? lol * Yes, most the crap I post here is for my personal entertainment and it's truly irrelevant if I (or anyone else), believe any of this stuff or not. Mostly because a lot of it can't be proven or disproven, hence "CONSPIRECY" ! But if it...
  14. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    . Geeze Mick, "Cowardly Troll" ? Are you serious ? Due to a controversial topic ( that hasn't been proven ) just because you have a different point of view ? ...In a "Conspiracy Theorist" thread ? Wow ! You may want to self medicate before viewing this next "Picture" ! LOL It's...
  15. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    ...of ours not to believe in something we don't agree with ! Is the Constitution or Bill of Rights no longer important ??? ..But I Digress. *** BTW, - believe it or not, there seems to be enough information out there ( via The Internet ), to suggest that Michelle Obama, aka - Michael...
  16. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    . *** A "Sniff Test" you say... . . If true, I think it would be a matter of perspective and/or a calendar date ? Q -Is Michelle Obama a man now or before undergoing an assumed "change" ? Think about Bruce Jenner, aka Caitlyn Jenner. This stuff is messed up any way...
  17. Hobby Climber

    For conspiracy theorist only

    . To allow oneself to become triggered over pictures or comments in a, "For Conspiracy Theorists Only" thread is hilarious ! Adding more fiber/bran to ones diet will do wonders for ya.. Lol .ps -Matthew 7:1