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  1. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    I'm glad to read that, Jim. Hank likes people, maybe too much. He seems to find them curious. :lol: The image of him under an umbrella seems to confuse people. They can see that he is real, but still they aren't sure. Some have asked, is that a crow?
  2. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Strange, still now?
  3. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    I put up a sign. People can consult with Hank about any personal problems that they might have. One time is about one dollar. My elderly farmer neighbor already asked me about if the crow would really understand. I said sure, and just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean that he doesn't...
  4. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    I'm trying to think what a crow could use a mini fridge for? I already share my lunch with the critter. I can tell you that they dig scrambled eggs. I'd end up just keeping beer in there, and would have to drink it during hot days.
  5. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    It's a chore taking care of Hank. I don't mind it so much, and the interest and enjoyment is there from his presence. I won't always be able to go to the shop everyday. Hopefully we can work something out amicable to the both of us.
  6. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Thanks for the trimming vid. good to have it for reference if need be. I'm special, you're special, Jim. LOL
  7. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    When Hank wouldn't come down from the nursery school roof, it made me mad. What an ungrateful bird!
  8. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    I made him a cage. At night, you mean. He could, but lots of stuff around where he could get caught behind possibly, parts of machinery sticking out, I don't see it as a friendly environment, plus the matter of poop. In his enclosure i can just pull out the newspaper and put fresh in, barely...
  9. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    That's a problem, Jim, not knowing danger. There are stories of humans killing crows that have been somewhat domesticated, because they think that a friendly bird is a sick bird. I also hear stories about a crow that someone kept for awhile, but the end result was that a cat got it. I don't...
  10. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    I don't really like the idea of clipping it's wings if it can be avoided, but as you say, I don't want him starving to death or suffering from thirst. He seems to have a strong attachment to his outdoor perch, up to now is happy sitting on it all day, and when we do go somewhere, he likes...
  11. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Flight! Late afternoon, we went for a little spin on the bike yesterday. During the course of the ride, Hank suddenly takes off and flies across the street and onto the roof of a nursery school. I couldn't believe it, his distance record up until then had been only a few feet and in a...
  12. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Thanks, and good sentiment, Jerry. I hope he lives a contented life. Yesterday I had to be gone all day from early morning until late at night. I got back to my shop around 11PM, wondered if Hank would be all stressed out from being cooped up ih his enclosure. The first time for so long. He...
  13. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    V, it's one of the fun things about riding with him, he regularly changes his position on the bike, sometimes faces forward, sometimes backwards looking at me, or riding sideways to the direction that we are going. I get the impression that looking at me gives him a sense of security, because...
  14. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Thanks for the comments. One interesting thing about crows that I notice, is that they have a very strong ability to calm themselves. If I have to change it's location, or it goes for a short flight and does a radical nosedive, it will get a little flustered, but in only a few seconds will...
  15. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Not really, I think it has always been a crow. It poops like it always has been.
  16. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Thanks, the frame was a freeby. Kind of usual, made from magnesium. English made and pretty old, but still in good shape. I have it set up as a single speed, nice and simple and quiet.
  17. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Hank, a happy crow, I believe. For awhile I had to tie it's leg to things or it would sometimes fall off, but now it holds on easily by itself. It really digs cycling, and it's into downhill! On bumpy roads it can use it's wings for balance. It will sit on that perch all day and into the...
  18. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Yes, a Carrion Crow. There is one other species here, distinguishable by a wide and thick beak. Thanks, Bob.
  19. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    Bird is doing well, Terri, much growing. Extending it's flying range little by little, but still can't go far, around eight feet or so, then it goes down. It's hard to see how larger birds like crows, can fly for some distance right out of the nest. Judging by this bird, their wings develop...
  20. woodworkingboy

    Training A Crow

    He squats down when going to sleep, eyelids get droopy. Appears to be their most relaxed posture.