Search results for query: swivel

  • Users: Burnham
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  1. Burnham

    Singing Rock 3d Timber Harness?

    Here's a link to a search I ran for posts by me with keyword "swivel". Several threads came up that are pertinent. Look around if you want to. The bottom line is, swivels on bridges are not helpful if you are climbing on moving rope systems...
  2. Burnham

    Hitch climber eccentric

    Beware the swivel on the bridge :). At least with DRT systems.
  3. Burnham

    Unsafe setup?

    I have to admit to a basic prejudice against swivels. Not that I think they are unsafe, though some product recalls do bring that concern to the fore. Rather, I think they are needlessly overcomplicating nearly any application I have seen them applied to, with little or no advantage. One...
  4. Burnham

    Hitch climber eccentric

    I seldom needed a second attachment point on my Sequoia bridge, but when I did, I just added a SS threaded quick link of appropriate size and rating. Tighten it down a bit with a wrench, use it for that need, then remove it until the next time.
  5. Burnham

    Unsafe setup?

    I don't believe there is anything intrinsically wrong with it, although the potential for the gate of the upper biner getting hung on the swivel's loop certainly exists. Side loading or even unintended gate opening are possible...the latter much less so than the former. The side loading is...
  6. Burnham

    Pulley sheeve size

    I never felt the need for a swivel.
  7. Burnham

    Petzl swivel open

    Here's a link to an old thread...debating the value of a swivel on your saddle bridge. For many, the answer was..."not". Swivels on bridge? | The Tree House (
  8. Burnham

    Unsafe setup?

    Seems counterintuitive that a swivel will keep the rope grab horizontal...the weight of the tail of the lanyard will pull it into a vertical position, I think.
  9. Burnham

    HitchHiker XF now available.

    I never got the appeal of swivels, in any application, myself. Nonetheless, I tried one on my harness bridge in DRT, and it was an experiment that quickly ended.
  10. Burnham

    Swivels on bridge?

    It is interesting that this subject has come up recently in a couple of different threads. A link to some older and perhaps valuable input... Swivels on bridge? | The Tree House (
  11. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    ...side and the air filter box and piping for the passenger side just to get marginal access. After that, it takes an ungodly combination of swivels and extensions for the ratchet drive. Next to no room to work for the rears. Fortunately, it is not my first ride in this particular rodeo ;)...
  12. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Succeeded with the work just fine...but this is the sort of job that can cause the arthritis in my hands to flare badly. Coldish working conditions and a lot of manipulating things with the fingers and thumbs. A bit of discomfort tonight...but it'll respond to the ibuprofen and some time near...
  13. Burnham

    Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

    I'm having some stoopid issues, apparently...I still don't see it at all. Thanks anyway, for the attempt to help me out with that, Wally :).
  14. Burnham

    I'm a Dealer Rep!

    :lol::lol: :P If Carl hasn't broken the swivel yet, it's sturdy enough I reckon. :)
  15. Burnham

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Check out these threads, Nick. Both lay out the case for swivels causing more problems than they solve.
  16. Burnham

    Liger - Weaver Cougar Modification

    Sure, you have the swivel, give it a whirl. What works for one climber, or doesn't, is often enough completely different for another.
  17. Burnham

    oval biner with swivel

    Swivel fitting on the bridge is way over-rated in my book...for me in made twisting more of a problem rather than less.
  18. Burnham

    Swivels on bridge?

    If there's twist in the line, you can unclip, straighten out the legs, then reclip to the swivel and the inherent twist will spin the rope into a twist again as the swivel allows it to spin freely.
  19. Burnham

    Swivels on bridge?

    Some folks say your line will still get twisted, and with a swivel you won't be able to un-twist as easily...fwiw.
  20. Burnham

    Swivels on bridge?

    Well, it won't hurt to try it, except for the cost of the swivel. At least with the Sequoia it's easy to put it on and then take it off when you find out ol' Burnham and tha Skwerl might just have been right :).