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  1. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    How are things going on the farm Jim? Look like it's gonna be a decent year?
  2. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

  3. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  4. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    This was gnawed tru the sap wood.
  5. cory

    How'd it go today?

    Ive seen heavily girdled trees survive.
  6. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  7. Tree09

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Hot today, especially so welding up a bunch of condensate lines in a trench. Looking forward to doing another one in between 2 live uninsulated lines as the heat index goes back up to 105, both pipes will be around 400 degrees, it'll likely be leaking water the entire time, and I'll probably be...
  8. FireFighterZero

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    I will never forget about the European heatwave in the early 2000's.
  9. lxskllr

    Songs I Like

    Someone from another forum turned me onto this... Psychedelic music from Hungary. You can buy the whole discography for 1€. I gave them 20€ cause 1€ is ridiculously low for almost 3 days of music. I downloaded flac files which were 42gb, and...
  10. Treeaddict


    I’d spend a day or 5 there! My boys would like it as well.
  11. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Several years ago a custy had a cherry tree that was girdled by a beaver. He asked me if it was going to make it because it was still green. I said no the tree doesn’t know it’s dead yet enjoy it for the summer and in fall it will be gone.
  12. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    The second girdled tree is now dead and I spotted another one girdled and still green (for now) along the same road.
  13. Dave Shepard


    This could be a lot of fun.
  14. M

    Stahl's logging supplies

    Yes, plus or minus a few bucks. That was what I was used to last time I bought rolls from them but had to have them sent to Oregon as they wouldn't send to CA. This time I started with Baileys because of shipping and heard the $600 price tag and thought...gotta love covid. Double checked at...
  15. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    Park Fire. Over 300,000 acres. Crazy fast. They evacuated Paradise. Those folks have really been through it.
  16. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    The McLouds(specifically the old lady) left a bag of tomatoes on my front porch. Found it when I got home from grocery shopping. That was nice of them. I do enough bitching, and they deserve credit where it's due. I'll make a bowl later with vinegar and black pepper. I really like fresh...
  17. Maximalist

    What Are You Drinking Tonight?

    Yes, it's grilled salmon. In Russia, it is customary to serve fish with beer. This is not a fish showcase, but an ordinary beer bar in St. Petersburg. It would be interesting to know which beer snacks are traditional in your region?
  18. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  19. CurSedVoyce

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    SRT 1 TIP did about 1/2 the tree. Second acscent and TIP did 1/4 or so and the I got too hot. The tree does not have a great center tie in. Looks better than it is for that. Tossing a line in each section with 3 ascents was going to be more efficient. Especially since you need to really remove...
  20. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    WTK, what the knot