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  1. flushcut

    Armoring drop-zones rather than rigging, and armoring for machines.

    Try it you might like it. It’s messy but if you have machines to do the clean up it’s not bad.
  2. flushcut

    Sawbuck project

    Machine pick up log, no back muscles needed.
  3. flushcut

    Considering some springboards

    I had a set I made but they got lost in a move somehow. Sean uses them somewhat often, I think. Two is the minimum I would recommend, three or four you can build a tree fort and hang out. Lol
  4. flushcut

    Sawbuck project

    Nice! May it serve your sawing needs for many years to come.
  5. flushcut

    Armoring drop-zones rather than rigging, and armoring for machines.

    I am partial to building ye old bomb pad out of limbs before I get to the wood bombing.
  6. flushcut

    GRCS , tips and technique for greatness

    There is a thread by Muggs over at The Buzz about replacing the winch strap for a 4" ratchet strap. Same working load as the winch but lighter and easier. There is debate about the security of the modification but it is something I plan on doing so once I make up parts so I'll post pics once...
  7. flushcut

    Northern California Fires

    Oh damn that’s close!! Stay safe!
  8. flushcut

    Logging The Blast Zone

    No vhs.
  9. flushcut

    Logging The Blast Zone

    I have these DVDs somewhere. Thanks for posting!
  10. flushcut

    How's the splice today?

    Nah, looks good.
  11. flushcut

    Cutting bushel is hard!

    I worked with a guy who’s MO was to crap in the woods. One day he comes in waddling like he rode a 100 miles on horseback for the first time. Mind you he’s a fair skinned, blued eyed of Polish descent. Then he precedes to admit he used poison ivy by mistake. I can assure you there is nothing...
  12. flushcut

    How'd it go today?

    Diehard Milwaukee fan here. Their battery stuff is good but their corded stuff of old will hurt you. Torque your hand right off at the wrist.
  13. flushcut

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Got home to 68 dipping down to upper forties. Hello open windows gonna sleep like a baby!
  14. flushcut

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    But it’s a good way to get in a box.
  15. flushcut

    Power pole saw?

    I have an HT 101 rarely used but is a god send to have when it’s needed.
  16. flushcut

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

  17. flushcut

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Orcas, I’ve heard are the worst. Always hogging the lanes, not checking their blind spots, a true menace.
  18. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Good to hear he is well and good.
  19. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I kinda miss Willard’s banter.