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  1. Wood Collector

    Northern California Fires

    Unfortunatly for some people its like a disease, others its a thrill seaking by lighting the fire then going on the trucks. Its hard to explain as theres so many reasons that people do it.
  2. Trains

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  3. lxskllr

    Considering some springboards

    Why would someone use springboards rather than spurs? If the answer is 'a logger has springboards', what's the workflow like in a logging operation? You're out in the backcountry. You have your saw, fuel/oil, miscellaneous logging stuff... Where are the springboards? Seems like a lot of weight...
  4. lxskllr

    PSA: Check Your Passwords

    Here's a fun comic that shows a decent way to pick a password, and still be able to remember and type it. Whatever you do, *do not* use "correct horse battery staple"! Everyone in computing knows exactly what this is, and I'm sure it's in all the dictionaries.
  5. Trains

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  6. SeanKroll

    PSA: Check Your Passwords

    That's complex
  7. SeanKroll

    Considering some springboards

    I rarely pull mine out, but super useful when applicable. I'll get a picture. You can fabricate one reasonably easily, I think.
  8. Trains

    Considering some springboards

    Thanks for the Ebay link, but the conversion rate and shipping to Au was, well ive run out of kidneys to donate :). the westcoast ones are 86 each au, which is quite affordable, and I dont need to sell off my dyslexic dalmation photo set to cover it. :)
  9. davidwyby

    Northern California Fires

    Why do they do it?
  10. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  11. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    Current arson stats...
  12. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?

    So, what do you do when town reopens after a fire? Music on the green! Family friend and his band Soul Galaxy, he's the drummer. This venue was canceled because of the fire. But some favors got called and some strings were pulled. Lay on the grass under some trees and celebrate our town not...
  13. Nutball

    How do you know when a chain bar is done?

    If the groove is over .015" larger than the chain gauge, then close the rails or toss it. If you have problems with it not cutting well, binding, or cutting crooked even with a relatively new and sharp chain, toss it. If the drive links bottom out, toss it. If the rails are chipped away and no...
  14. CurSedVoyce

    Considering some springboards

    This thread had some nice pics of some.
  15. CurSedVoyce

    Considering some springboards

    Spring board cleats on EBAY...
  16. CurSedVoyce

    Armoring drop-zones rather than rigging, and armoring for machines.

    Chips too can come in handy.
  17. flushcut

    Armoring drop-zones rather than rigging, and armoring for machines.

    Try it you might like it. It’s messy but if you have machines to do the clean up it’s not bad.
  18. CurSedVoyce

    Considering some springboards

    I think there was a thread where either Burnam or Willie found a link and posted it.
  19. CurSedVoyce

    Armoring drop-zones rather than rigging, and armoring for machines.

    SOP. And plywood spring boards.
  20. lxskllr

    How do you know when a chain bar is done?

    Groove's egged out beyond repair, drivelinks dragging in the bottom of the slot, looks ugly and you want a shiny new bar :^D Milled bars are worth putting more attention into repair than laminated. I've hammered the groove closed on a couple laminated bars, and I keep all of them dressed with...