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  • Users: Mrs.B
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  1. Mrs.B

    Northern California Fires

    Glad to hear it's looking better today. Too many fires already.
  2. Mrs.B

    Northern California Fires

    Take Care Stephen. We are following this fire on Watch Duty. Hope they get a handle on it fast.
  3. Mrs.B

    Possible human remains? Or fertilizer?

    We have found ashes around big redwoods many times while hiking, mostly while bushwhacking off-trail. I always wondered why they chose that particular tree. One time, miles away from a trail, we found ashes and a plaque that said "Old Dave...he burned the candle at both ends". I still wonder...
  4. Mrs.B

    How'd it go today?

    We had a nice visit with our good friends Greg Good (GRCS) of Wisconsin and Dave Nordgaard (Branch Manager and TNT Tree) of Minnesota. They came to town and confiscated Jerry for a trip up north through the redwoods. Always nice to see these two great guys!
  5. Mrs.B

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    I spent 1969 and 1970 in Kodiak, land of the really big bears. My (then) husband was in the Navy and we lived off base about 3 miles from town. He was on duty consecutive 4 day shifts a week so I was home alone with an infant. Woke up one night to a Kodiak bear sniffing around the front door...
  6. Mrs.B

    Packsaddle Grove is gone!

    That was the Paradise Fire. It started east of the town of Paradise, in the mountains, caused by faulty power lines and wind. It is reported to have moved towards town at the rate of 80 football fields per minute! It reached town so quickly that all emergency response was down, leaving people on...
  7. Mrs.B

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    More rain, more wind.
  8. Mrs.B

    How'd it go today?

    My heart goes out to your community, Austin, and to the families involved. What a horrible tragedy.
  9. Mrs.B

    Mentoring New Climbers

    Nice article, Chris!
  10. Mrs.B


    Happy Thanksgiving!
  11. Mrs.B

    The Official Critter Thread

    California tarantula. We had them in Bodega Bay when I was a kid. My brothers used them as torture/compliance tools......until my Mom put a stop to it.
  12. Mrs.B

    Cutting bushel is hard!

    I would be an asshole, too, if you were clipping my udders! What does that even mean?
  13. Mrs.B

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    There's a 30,000 acre wildfire in the Mojave. I'm sure arizona must be getting the smoke.
  14. Mrs.B

    In The News...

    Most of you aren't old enough to remember Manson and his followers and the horrible murders they committed just for fun. Leslie Van Houten is released from prison after 53 years. I believe she should remain in prison but I can't help but think about how different a world she faces now, compared...
  15. Mrs.B

    The Farrier's horse and the shoemaker's kids.

    When you get "old" you will see what I mean.
  16. Mrs.B

    The Farrier's horse and the shoemaker's kids.

    I'd say old age is probably the biggest killer of old people. ;)
  17. Mrs.B

    Big Timber

    I can't recall the last time Jer watched tv, but it's been years.
  18. Mrs.B

    Subsistence thread

    Do you cook your crab in ocean water? It used to be a common practice around here. Not so much anymore. When Dad would bring home crab off the boat he'd bring a bucket of water to cook it in. Always cooked on a burner outside.
  19. Mrs.B

    Wood Turning

    The pepper grinder
  20. Mrs.B

    Wood Turning

    I love my pepper grinder! It still has that beautiful clarity in the wood, even though we use it daily.