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  1. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  2. Kaveman

    Happy 4th of July!

    Fireworks in Heber are launched from the football field. My favorite spot for years has been the softball field. The whole display is set up to pop low, like 200ft, to keep the show inside of Buckskin canyon. You can feel the detonation, smell the smoke. The kids always love it.
  3. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    Really depends how hot the root crown got or if the fire got into the tree. Live oaks will come back from the roots though. More like a scrub oak bush.
  4. Treeaddict

    Happy 4th of July!

    Who says “white men can’t jump”? You gettin air!
  5. lxskllr

    PSA: Check Your Passwords

    There's been a huge password data dump. There's a link in this article where you can check if your password shows up... A different complex password should be used for every site/service. That requires a...
  6. davidwyby

    Happy 4th of July!

    I guess I should have put this here 😆
  7. Treeaddict


    All of them!
  8. Kaveman

    Northern California Fires

    Fire adapted ecosystem. That's the term you're looking for. And yes, that area should be, but the influence of man changes many things.
  9. Treeaddict

    Northern California Fires

    All those fully green canopies in the burn area gonna stay that way? I’d imagine most of your trees are fire resistant/tolerable. I can’t remember the proper term. I know certain species basically require fires for continued survival.
  10. Trains

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  11. Knotorious

    In The News...

    It has a pay wall. Boooooo!
  12. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  13. Tree09

    In The News...

    Very cool advancement in prosthetic limbs.
  14. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    A while back I posted a picture of a tree by a campground that had been girdled with an axe. Surprisingly, it’s still green. They didn’t get all the cambium. Still a mystery who and why. Today I was startled to find another done more thoroughly and dying next to the road.
  15. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    *mesh hiking hat also wetted
  16. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    Wet balaclava, hang for some cooling evaporating, drape over self while hiking. No shirt. Sycamores along the waterway were very happy looking
  17. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    Some kind of eggs in a small pond in a drying up creek These tadpoles hatched in the wrong place at the wrong time. A pleasant little pond. Birds, etc. around. Flies annoying… I filled up empty bottles here for my “Arab air conditioner “ in next post
  18. davidwyby

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Very strange here. In the morning it was hotter in the mountains than in the desert. It’s usually 20-30 degrees cooler depending on elevation. I went to go hiking by a creek but it was 104 and the creek was mostly dry.
  19. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

    The problem with the hydraulic pump is the plate circle which is an adapter from the bolt pattern on the engine to the conical aluminum mount for the pump was apparently hacked out by hand. I’m sure it doesn’t hold the pump concentric/straight with the engine. He’s lucky nothing else is...
  20. CurSedVoyce

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    With 79 percent humidity, no bueno.... It was 90* at day break this morning. Never really cooled off much