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  1. Knotorious

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    Yes, a highly focused digital zoom will produce a very grainy image. In this case, it looks like it was taken close up, but in a very dark space, so the the ISO on the camera likely jumped way high, which also produces a grainy image. Newer, fancier digital cameras with optical lenses now have...
  2. Nutball

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Pigs are one thing, but many other animals are either fenced out or suffered with. Nearby me I often see deer grazing newly planted rekatively small crop fields, and nobody seems to care.
  3. Mrs.B

    Northern California Fires

    Take Care Stephen. We are following this fire on Watch Duty. Hope they get a handle on it fast.
  4. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I always think it's pretty funny when a vegan tells me that we should stop eating meat (for a variety of different reasons; but I'm only going to discuss one at the moment) and how we need to completely stop "senselessly killing" sentient beings. They seem to think that if we only eat and farm...
  5. Nutball

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    Yeah, I've seen that on some cameras if you zoom in really far. You'd just need to develop a method of printing on canvas that makes it look like paint. Some programs exist that are supposed to make pictures look like paintings, but the one I tried was too fake looking. It used a pattern of...
  6. Nutball

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I've always wondered how they drain the blood without some pooling in low areas.
  7. Nutball

    Northern California Fires

    Do you know what broke on it?
  8. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    I guess they pretty much evacuated town and I heard some homes were lost last night. Wind still in our favor. Thus far. They have cut a line on our side and are focusing on town. No power. Going to rig up watering animals today. Genny broke. The heat is worrisome. Both for the crews and the...
  9. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  10. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Random Fact: You know how when you're preparing a steak and see some of the blood? Or when you're cutting into a cooked steak and see some blood? *record scratch* It's not blood, you silly goose! The red fluid that comes out of meat is not blood, but rather a protein called myoglobin mixed...
  11. vharrison

    Northern California Fires

    Wow, hope they knocked it down through the night. How are you this morning?
  12. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Random Fact: On average, one day of a dog's life is the equivalent of a full week for a human.
  13. Knotorious

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    The second one up from the bottom, where he's laying down in front of the bench, looks like it could be an oil painting. Happy birthday, doggo!
  14. flushcut

    Northern California Fires

    Oh damn that’s close!! Stay safe!
  15. flushcut

    Logging The Blast Zone

    No vhs.
  16. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    It got to the edge of town. That building on the left is next door to the office Katy works at. Corner or 140 and 49. Edges of the town are being evacuated
  17. davidwyby

    How'd it go today?

  18. Tree09

    Northern California Fires

    Be safe, that's scary!
  19. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Saw looks brand new.
  20. CurSedVoyce

    Northern California Fires

    It does. The forest Service wraps historic buildings. Before my parents replaced their shake roof, and I believe they had it reinstalled, the whole roof has a sprinkler system.