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  1. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  2. CurSedVoyce

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Or burn it
  3. Kaveman

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    SOP here with Bark Beetle kills is to remove the tree and dispose of the wood as quickly as possible. Do not let cut pieces lay around, as the beetles will evac for better, live trees. If nearby conifers begin to show distress, cull mercilessly. Immediately dispose of the wood as far away as...
  4. Kaveman

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Spotty rain and even marble sized hail. A balmy 67° when not dribbling. In all, a beautiful day in the Arizona high country.
  5. Burnham

    How's the splice today?

    I am far from a splicing expert and have only a little personal hands-on experience with the art and craft of it. But I have looked closely at a very large number of splices in my 5 decades of rope work, by both pros and amateurs. I see nothing at all to give me the slightest doubts about...
  6. flushcut

    How's the splice today?

    Nah, looks good.
  7. Burnham

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    I really don't know the "proper" answer John, but among my tree peeps here in the northwestern Cascades, the prevailing opinion seems to be that if the beetles are at sufficiently high population numbers to cause mortality in seemingly healthy specimens, especially in very short time frames...
  8. lxskllr

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Ok, I think this is probably my last question regarding this tree. Are there any special considerations to take into account for removal? Is a beetle killed tree weird in any way, or is it just a dead pine with dead pine characteristics? Also, should anything special be done with the debris...
  9. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    Now that the magnifying lamp is functional, it is very handy for reading the assembly instructions, which I couldn't read even with my cheaters on.:lol:
  10. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    Amazon really likes to make you offers you can't refuse. I've had an interest in electronics since childhood, and might have had a much different career path under different circumstances. I've been watching a lot of YouTubes on the subject lately, especially bigclivedotcom. Pretty entertaining...
  11. Trains

    How's the splice today?

    Thank you Burnham, if there was anything wrong that you could see, I am happy for correction and learning, thats why I posted up the pics.
  12. flushcut

    Cutting bushel is hard!

    I worked with a guy who’s MO was to crap in the woods. One day he comes in waddling like he rode a 100 miles on horseback for the first time. Mind you he’s a fair skinned, blued eyed of Polish descent. Then he precedes to admit he used poison ivy by mistake. I can assure you there is nothing...
  13. davidwyby

    New used truck I want to make into a chipper truck but has wood board flatbed. Cheapest option?

    You can buy dump kits for about $2k? If you're handy. I'm in CA and run a welding shop...too late I guess, haha!
  14. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Well, the day has arrived. The rental guys came and took back all of my furniture. Now my apartment is barren, save for the small amounts of personal belongings that still remain, and my footsteps and voice now produce an echo. All I have for furniture is an air mattress, a foldout chair (which...
  15. Knotorious

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    It's another cloudless, sunny day in Arizona, where it is currently 110 degrees and climbing! Sheesh. Thank goodness for central A/C! It's nice and cool in my apartment but, as soon as I walk outside, I feel like I'm inside of a charcoal grill! Even in the shade it's incredibly hot. All of the...
  16. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  17. Maximalist

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  18. davidwyby

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    High 70s, low 80s. that's the low temps...for about an hour before sunrise. 4-5 am.
  19. Maximalist

    How'd it go today?

    Everything has already been cut down and sawn. Unfortunately, I didn't take photos and videos today(
  20. Knotorious

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    ...timber sports steaming live recently and got bored after 5 minutes of watching guys balance on logs in pools of water or compete by cutting logs into thin discs with highly modified chainsaws that sounded like they had jet engines. That, to me, is pure silliness and a bit of a snooze-fest. *yawn*