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  • Users: Koala
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  1. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    What kind of trees are they? Can't ID them from the pics. How often do you trim them ? every year or two? Nice ladder you have there Maximalist! :)
  2. Koala

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    1000 per man...running days......:) Good karma coming back to you then!
  3. Koala

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Wow! That's quite a long will it take? Earth will be very happy....I bet she won't be too strict about the date :D
  4. Koala

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rigging some branches of a Celtis Australis near the railway. My buddy is climbing, I'm having fun with the ropes. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Koala

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    International day of forests 2013 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Koala

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    Happy birthday Burnham !
  7. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    Ah. Funny ...been talking about this yesterday with a friend. They never say they get big or tall.Trees just get TOO big or TOO tall. I'd really like to understand in comparison to what .....:/:
  8. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    True. Here there is the bad habit to trim them as a cone or a pyramid: you can see some trimmed so hard that there is not even one leaf left. ( Easier and faster to make a good pyramid shape if you leave only the wood...:roll:). After a few years they still seem to be in good shape....... Don't...
  9. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    :D What about this? :lol::lol::lol:
  10. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    Bring your Wraptor!!!! :lol:
  11. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    Around here you could easily get over- excited then....
  12. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    Thanks!!! The environment is surely not so exciting like that in the pics you're usually posting. :D
  13. Koala

    Nature time lapse

    Great video!
  14. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    The link works for me too. A little but old Magnolia Grandiflora from this morning
  15. Koala

    Tree felling vids

    Great video! I'd like to join that crew for a few days.... That fir top he is taking out is taller than the poor trees we have here :lol::lol::lol: One they always climb only with the flipline when they fell those big tops?
  16. Koala

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    A couple of pics of the same tree (before and after)
  17. Koala

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    A short video from yesterday. Removing a branch of an Atlas Cedar broken after december snow. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Koala

    Before & After Tree Care

    Even here. They used to do it especially on Mulberries, Limes and Willows. An ancient art, a treatment that a few species can tolerate well. And it has to be done properly. Which means starting this practice when the tree is still young and keep re-pollarding regularly. Sadly today pollarding...
  19. Koala

    Nature time lapse

    What you need more? ;)
  20. Koala

    Nature time lapse

    Quality work Leon. I enjoyed a lot watching it. The clouds and the sunset part are really cool. Loved the moon at the end too. :) Where did you film it? they look like different locations.