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  • Users: Jonny
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  1. Jonny

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  2. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    These little beauties are Link (boy) and Zelda (girl), picked them up last night from my girlfriend’s aunt. Guess she feeds the local strays and one decided to have her litter on her patio. They’re adjusting really quickly I think, they’re quite cuddly and affectionate. Tonight we’ll introduce...
  3. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    They do, I just don’t use them unless I’m bringing parts somewhere or picking up a food delivery for a bunch of us. Normally I really enjoy walking, today it’s just been a lot more than usual.
  4. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    Getting kinda tired of walking from one end of this plant to the other, and back again. A little bit ago, this wasp started buzzing around my head and getting on my nerves, then in got itself stuck in a spiderweb, and the spider woke up and started poking it. Highlight of my day. Good spider. I...
  5. Jonny

    The RIP Thread...

    I read the book by Hunter S Thompson. Fun read. I reckon most folks would punch that guy in the face a few times if they had to hang out with him for extended periods of time.
  6. Jonny

    Clarity of responses and readability in debates within threads

    Butch had his pet peeve, but I’m not sure if anyone else is bothered by quoting the previous post.
  7. Jonny

    INFLATION how's it hitting you?

    Leaked design for the new 10 dollar bill.
  8. Jonny

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    I appreciate you sharing that. We do that flea treatment that’s just a little tube of oil you apply along the back of the neck, along their back, and to the base of the tail. Haven’t seen a flea ever on these boys. Strange, I know, but that reminds me; I got a flea collar story! I saw a Marine...
  9. Jonny

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  10. Jonny

    The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

    Henlo hooman!
  11. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    Bummer, I’m sorry man, that’s the chain I recommended? I use it on my 026 and 034 and think it cuts pretty fast, but it doesn’t tolerate dirt at all and it’ll lose its edge in clean hardwood after a few hours I think. I got a Fiskars X-27 splitting axe, and love it. I’ve always thought Fiskars...
  12. Jonny

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    I’m sure they’re better than old potatoes! ;)
  13. Jonny

    idiot people

    Did anyone zoom in to read what’s written on that trailer? It makes the pic sooo much better!
  14. Jonny

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    International Tree Climbing Championship I meant.
  15. Jonny

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    They really are very fast swimmers, I think I read that before. Stig, I saw the ITCC is in Copenhagen this year. You going to go watch?
  16. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    Box elder?
  17. Jonny

    How'd it go today?

    You try out that LGX chain yet, John?
  18. Jonny

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  19. Jonny

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread
