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  1. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Sanitizing the building I guess,
  2. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    They just need some mirrors.
  3. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    “ umm I gonna git me dat fish” “hey hey dude?! dude! Dooooooood!” Splash!
  4. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    You are right. That was pretty boring.
  5. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Aww match romance! In love till the end.
  6. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Yep almost 15 years at the bench. Crowns, bridges, veneers, implants, and an occasional denture. The in house five axis milling machines are crazy.
  7. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    There is a saying from when I was making teeth. “They’re just teeth and they are not your teeth”.
  8. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Have you ever been to Wisconsin? There are at least 60 bottle opening devices in any home. I think I have 40 such devices scattered in every conceivable convenient location at the shop. Then there are the the non bottle opener specific tools. Bench tops, lighters, hammer handles, wrenches...
  9. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Pic by pic made into a flip book will suffice. Lol
  10. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Video or it didn’t happen.
  11. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Right! Face first.
  12. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Whatever it is it was hauling ass, down hill, with a quickness!
  13. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    “For when your hooman isn’t around”
  14. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    She gonna have back problems.
  15. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Woopsie doodle
  16. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    Who hasn't? But that bike thing looses any gear drive advantage plus you are strapped to it. Not for me but it looks cool.
  17. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

  18. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    And they say people from Wisco are odd. Lol
  19. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019

    I learned how to drive manual tranny from a nine speed Case tractor at 14yo.
  20. flushcut

    Animated GIF Thread 2019
