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  1. woodworkingboy

    Jet heaters

    I'm thinking about maybe getting a kerosene jet heater. Been in places that use them, but little direct experience myself. I get to my shop in the morning and it takes an hour or two before the wood stove makes the temperature fairly comfortable. I think the heater would make it a bit easier...
  2. woodworkingboy

    Sharpening Used Files

    I know it has been discussed a bit before, but who sharpens their chain files? I'm about run out of some sizes, and they sell them dear here like they are made out of a precious metal. I usually buy from the states at Bailey's, but it is a bother if I don't need anything else. I finally got...
  3. woodworkingboy

    Kabuto mushi (insect)

    The time of year to see these guys in my area, very cool giants of bugs. I think rather beautiful with their nicely shaped shiny strong bodies, enclosed in a kind of armor. Tough fighters, male against male. long battles of pushing and pulling to dislodge the opponent from their perch, like...
  4. woodworkingboy

    Carabiner fasten knot for DdRT application

    Some crane jobs can be very rapid succession work, up to tie off the cable, then quickly ride my hitch on down, pull out my climbing line through the ring in the hook, and quickly back up again to do the same in another tree. Our crew works quite fast when knocking them down. I need to use my...
  5. woodworkingboy

    Trouble with arms

    Any of you guys have pain around your biceps, inside or outside your arms? With lots of hand planing and hefting chainsaws, I think it is adding up. Often at night in bed I have to sleep in one position or it starts throbbing, an achy kind of pain. It can go through the roof suddenly...
  6. woodworkingboy

    Riding the crane on your hitch

    I work with a few different crane companies utilizing different type blocks or ball or collar type hook arrangements, and there are some differences in how I might be attached when riding the hook, sometimes my lanyard through the hook, or my climb line through a steel ring through the hook when...
  7. woodworkingboy

    Pulley block rope question

    Physics is not my strong point. When you use a pulley block, say hang it in a tree that you are pulling, does it increase the load on the rope as effecting the working stress that is being put on it? It seems like at the point where the rope goes around the sheave, the tension is being...
  8. woodworkingboy

    Older Husqvarna ignition question

    My favorite limbing saw, the 242xp suddenly won't spark. It has one of the SEM AM 7 ignition types, the kind that has a trigger mechanism down by the flywheel, and the coil up by the carburetor. I have seen the upper part referred to as the "secondary coil", and the trigger as an "electric...
  9. woodworkingboy

    Advice on a simple set up

    I had a crane operator that I know come out to do a job a few weeks ago, a friend of mine. He had never seen much in the way of rope tree climbing techniques, rather rare in these parts, and was very enthusiastic about them. He asked me to order some gear for him, nothing fancy, just to get...
  10. woodworkingboy


    "Matsu" is our Pine. Any of you guys ever see these mushrooms near the base of trees and eaten them? In these parts they can be found only with our Red Pines at this time of year. Quite desirable for people that know about them and can collect, and just about everyone has eaten them at one...
  11. woodworkingboy


    I gave Scott some computer advice on some problems that he was having, and then I received a short note that he couldn't open his browser. :wall: I expected to hear from him by now. Hope he is ok.
  12. woodworkingboy

    Modified saws gas/oil mixture

    I run a number of woods modded saws, and have always pretty much used high octane gas at a 35:1 ratio, thinking that the increased oil would be good for the engine running at the higher than stock rpms, and higher compression. I recall Brian (Timberwolf) having that recommendation as well. Some...
  13. woodworkingboy


    I'd like to check out living on a place like Mars, at least for awhile. It could rearrange your thinking about things, looking out into a vast world of nothingness everyday containing yourself. Could it make you crazy? I think I could pull out a lounge chair and handle it. So much of what...
  14. woodworkingboy


    Some months ago I did a couple tree jobs with a buddy of mine, a person that was very helpful to me in learning some of the ways of tree work. Some climbing and bucket work, nothing too demanding. He hadn't been doing much of anything besides taking care of his blind and bed ridden wife, and...
  15. woodworkingboy

    GIMP photo manipulation

    I needed to get some new software for photo manipulation, cleaning up some things on work pics that I couldn't do with what I had been using. I downloaded GIMP, freeware or a donation. A step down from photoshop, but it seems very good, and worked quite well for me for what I wanted to do...
  16. woodworkingboy

    Clean saws!

    Crazy priest brought me his 288XP, I usually see it every few months as a matter of course, mainly because he takes such bad care of it. It was running poorly, wouldn't accelerate worth a darn, and now and then wicked backfires through the carb. The diaphragms needed changing, but it didn't...
  17. woodworkingboy

    Leg cramps

    I get them at night sometimes, after a hard day, but three times or so it started to happen at a recent job site while simply standing. A first for that. I was able to stretch it out so it didn't worsen. The terrain was pretty irregular, it might have been a factor. I consume lots of sport's...
  18. woodworkingboy

    I dig old people

    Given the abundant cultural changes that have taken place within the last seventy to one hundred years, a period of time since when a lot of still living people were born, these folks really have experienced a lot of history, both within their own lives and what went on round them. Every once...
  19. woodworkingboy

    .250 Pitch Chain

    I know it is often the choice for carvers, but I wonder if anyone uses it on their smaller tree work saws? It seems to be marketed for that potential as well. Someone recently gave me a small professional grade Zenoah top handle saw that was having problems, I guess the same as sold under...
  20. woodworkingboy

    Cylinder repair possible?

    I thought Al would be a good person to ask about this, but since piston/cylinder damage is something that a lot of chainsaw users encounter, figured that it might be useful to start a thread on the subject. I have a Husky 359 that I modded extensively four or five years ago, and it has been my...