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  1. squisher

    milling thread

    Well I've been a milling fool. I've got 14 or 15 boards sawed now, probably a dozen of them will make 2x12 or better. All nice fir curing under cover right in the spot were I'll eventually use them to build a proper tack room in the barn. I'm loving it, now I need more POWER!!! Oh yah also...
  2. squisher

    milling thread

    I will try that out Jay. The sun is finally shining here so I'm going to be milling up a bit of a storm today once the temps come above freezing. I'm going to expirement a bit. Thanks for all the tips. Oh yah Jay, I've stopped by the bookstore I mentioned about 4 times now and they are...
  3. squisher

    milling thread

    Yah I want straight lumber! Now to find a straight long 2x12.
  4. squisher

    milling thread

    I may have to give that a try then. See how it goes and try and work something out for longer lengths.
  5. squisher

    milling thread

    That would be cool for sure Willard! Ez-rails are out, shipping is prohibitive. I'm going to be taking all the pics/info I have to my machine guy and see what we can come up with. If it's to expensive I guess I'll just stick with 2x4s and some brackets to mount them. What do you think about...
  6. squisher

    milling thread

    Anybody on here use Granbergs ez-rail set-up? Seems like it'd be alot easier to set-up and have it true than just 2x4's and their brackets?
  7. squisher

    milling thread

    Yah if I don't turn anything up at this bookstore or any leads from them I may just give hime a shout. I just keep envisioning you standing by a photocopier for hours on end! Lol.
  8. squisher

    milling thread

    Awesome pics. I haven't sorted myself a good set-up for rails yet but your set-up sure looks sweet Willard. I've got a few days this week so hopefully I can rig something like that up. Larry not a de-rail at all, thanks for sharing that. Jay, I'm still looking around for that book...
  9. squisher

    milling thread

    Got a link?
  10. squisher

    milling thread

    I will keep it in mind Jay, but I'll look around here first. Gonna ask around some local bookstores new/used and see if I can turn anything up. Maybe put a add on kijiji or something too.
  11. squisher

    milling thread

    pics would be great if you get a moment. I thought from the diagram included with the mill that they looked pretty simple. I appreciate the info.
  12. squisher

    milling thread

    Great info! I got my main man hedging today(snicker, snicker we hate hedges) and I'm replacing the fuel transfer pump on my chipper. But hopefully this afternoon I'll be milling some more. I was wondering about those brackets for attaching to the end of the log, seems like it may be simple...
  13. squisher

    milling thread

    That's a kind offer Jay but let me ask around a bit locally first. He's a BC guy himself from the sounds of it? If so I'd imagine I should be able to track down a copy somewhere.
  14. squisher

    milling thread

    Ok, cool. Jay, that book is available through amazon up here but is priced between $180-$245 +shipping! Damn.:(
  15. squisher

    milling thread

    Ok cool info. I think in the paperwork that comes with the mill they refer to making your first cut(with whatever system it is you use) and than they describe to either 'live saw' it I think(the paperwork is out in the shop) which is where you would just cut your preferred board thickness down...
  16. squisher

    milling thread

    Cool Willie do you just make your 1st cut and than start sawing your preferred board thickness down? If so how do you edge them afterwards? I'm greeeeeen at this still so I may have an annoying number of questions over the next few weeks.
  17. squisher

    milling thread

    Well I only made one board and one decent sized cant, but I tell ya I'm sure looking at my pile of logs differently now!
  18. squisher

    milling thread

    To set-up your outside cuts? That's a good idea I'm thinking, what do you use to secure it if anything?
  19. squisher

    milling thread

    Ha no kidding he does, because he sounds like a smart man. Logging nowadays is just another big business resource rip-off. I'm so sick and tired of hearing how wonderful the millzillionaires are because of all the jobs they provide. I'm going to try and find one of his books, sounds like a...
  20. squisher

    milling thread

    Well I got an Alaskan mill yesterday and milled up a log with it today to try it out. It was easy peasy I thought. Just the right investment for the amount of milling I intend to do. It was a doug fir log and I just had normal chisel chain on and it milled it pretty damn quick and fairly...