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  1. Kaveman

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    I'll meet you halfway bud. Here's a wiki
  2. Kaveman

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    +2 points for hardhat use. -1 point for skinny jeans. -1 point for lack of ear pro. -2 points for filming yourself in the commission of an act of stupidity. For a final score of -2. I'd like to thank you for playing. 👍 There ya go.
  3. lxskllr

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    I'll see what I can do. The bugs are tiny, and move fairly quickly. Might be hard getting a good pic. edit: It'll be interesting/horrifying to see how my lefthand neighbors do. They have two propertylines lined with white pine of a similar age as mine. I hope whatever got mine doesn't get in...
  4. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Climbed a little yesterday, finished a crane removal this morning, and then phuked off to the woods. It rained, so I napped. Good day. Lolz Don't give me crap over my lack of helmet, my Anti-Cancer Hat is PPE, also it was hot as balls and we were up there trimming with handsaws. Ponderosa...
  5. Kaveman

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    John, can you get a picture of the little brown bugs? I have a sneaking suspicion that more than one species of bug is involved in the demise of your tree, but I see in your pictures evidence of bark beetle. We have a couple species out here in AZ, and they all have a symbiotic relationship...
  6. lxskllr

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Sucks, but it makes me feel a little better knowing there's issues elsewhere. It's been in the back of my head that I maybe brought a pathogen onto the property when I brought some gnarly spruce here to use as Swedish candles. I guess that still isn't off the table, but I'm doubting that was it...
  7. cory

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Yo!! I hadn’t read this thread till now, I thought it referred to an individual tree. I’m in Maine, third of the way up the state, camp on a lake. I was here last 10 months ago, there was nothing amiss. Arrived late today and see 98% of the pines along the camp road are fully dead or dying...
  8. Knotorious

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Random Fact: Was Jesse Owens, the African American athlete from the US who won four gold medals during the 1936 Olympics in Germany snubbed by Hitler after his wins due to his race? Not according to Owens. Have a read and find out who Owens claims truly snubbed him... "It is true that Hitler...
  9. Burnham

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    It was ridiculous from the get-go. I don't know how some people survive their daily challenges.
  10. Marc-Antoine

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    Negative point : He set a couple of very high cuts, probably to make the trees fit in the landscape ( fence or whatever). It's a fail because the tree on the left ( on the front from the lay's point of view) barberchaired its stump instead of its trunk, so, the fallen tree wrecked the same area...
  11. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  12. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Meat includes the meat or bones of mammals and fowl, soups or gravies made with them, and any food containing even a small quantity of the above. Dairy includes the milk of any kosher animal, all milk products made with it (cream, butter, cheese, etc.), and any food containing even a small...
  13. Nutball

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Certain music is easier to play from memory, like that piece. I don't play piano particularly, but do occasionally practice the keyboard. I like whatever music I like, which is almost always instrumental only and classical in style, but I'm picky.
  14. Knotorious

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Goddamn. That guy tickles the crap out of those ivories! He probably burned 200 calories playing that song. My man needs a pair of white wrist sweat bands and a white head sweat band to match his coat so he can manage his perspiration with style! @Nutball, do you play the piano or are you just...
  15. Marc-Antoine

    Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown

    Either the borers came since the death (or soon to be death) or they are the reason of the death. Our spruces where devastated a very few years ago. Quick dying everywhere, both in the natural areas and in the valleys, country, towns, forests, edges, gardens... At my parent's home in the...
  16. Nutball

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I know I've posted this before, but I prefer this rendition to the one I posted, though it's still imperfect, at least in my opinion. It's funny how by the end hair and sweat are falling off his head.
  17. Mick!

    Tree felling vids

  18. Burnham

    Tree felling vids

    Willard was fine, except when he wasn't. Then he was a total ass.
  19. Mick!

    Power pole saw?

    That what I use mine a lot for. Limbing out conifers as high as possible in order to be able to help the groundy before putting the harness on.