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  1. M

    intentional barber chair

    had a little size... no groundie.. just cut it and see what happens...
  2. M

    intentional barber chair

    Here's something else a bit "off", I tried for the first time yesterday.. self lowering NC rig just to control the piece, slow it a little and keep it from taking a bad bounce.. and of course just to see what happens, which is a subset of the real reason.. "cause I wanted to"
  3. M

    intentional barber chair

    been on the ride for over 30 years brother... that was a "learning opportunity" in a zero risk situation.... And I learned a lot... could end up saving a life out there .... trust me.. it was a hassle to split the grain on that big wood... doing so in a well controlled and documented scenario...
  4. M

    intentional barber chair

    Here's another one pulled today..ore pics and story coming
  5. M

    intentional barber chair

    its a good video.... guessing he bypassed the face cuts as well...
  6. M

    intentional barber chair

    more like ego-finisher
  7. M

    intentional barber chair

    agreed.. this thread is about the other .1% ps.. near 100% of my work is residential.. that's all I got to "experiment" with.. :)
  8. M

    intentional barber chair

    Unreliable directional control might be a bit more accurate..
  9. M

    intentional barber chair

    Not to bust on you Squish... I respect you and your opinions... I think this is an example of the "never do this" mentality that applies to many areas in the industry.. many people have taboos without understanding the "why not" of it... I;ve always found that when things go unexpectedly, there...
  10. M

    intentional barber chair

    now we're getting somewhere... little controversy with your Sunday paper?
  11. M

    intentional barber chair

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. M

    intentional barber chair

    If there is ANY ?... wrap the trunk just below the cut... short 1/2" line with 5-7 turns should do the trick.. no need to get all fancy with a truckers strap..
  13. M

    intentional barber chair

    the main significance of that pic IMHO, is that when you are on the hooks if you are pulling a large top with a rope and you pull too hard, too early (before the hinge is formed) , the trunk can split and give you a permanent back ache..
  14. M

    intentional barber chair

    LOL... c'mon boys.. I "DID IT FOR YOU".. and this is the love? :D
  15. M

    intentional barber chair

    85-90' tulip, tall skinny thing maybe 26-28" dbh... back cut only (no notch) made half way through, at about 30-35' height.. high pull line ... this is what happens when you tell the skid op to pull it till it breaks...
  16. M

    intentional barber chair

    a brain? JK Butch :)
  17. M

    intentional barber chair

    you guys could put up an idea at least... Here's another one I tried today in a near zero risk situation.. from the bucket of course.. this cut would kill a climber a little twist in the grain did turn the tree 15-20º from the gun... and the pull line was 15-20º the other direction...
  18. M

    intentional barber chair

    I wish we had more to talk about...
  19. M

    intentional barber chair

    That's all the house has ??? I showed you one in the photo....