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  1. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Fair enough. My apologies.
  2. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    I don't think the Dems in the senate have the votes to stop a Trump nominee. Of course, before the end of Obama's second term, McConnell and the Senate Republicans were all about waiting until the voters had their say on who is to be the next president before acting on a SC nominee. Not going...
  3. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Wow. Thanks, Nate. Well, all of us old members will remember that Reed was a hoot, indeed. Also a whackadooddle of the first order :). But then, who among us is not at least half a bubble off plumb :D...though Reed was at least a bubble and a half off. Sorry he's gone, he was always...
  4. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    That sux. A great artist lost.
  5. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

  6. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Lovely woman, at every age.
  7. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    I am sorry for your loss, Daniel. Best wishes for your family.
  8. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Don't have the poster anymore, but did for a time, and still sure have the memories, Butch. Thanks, sir.
  9. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Hoping for the best easy end when that time comes for you mother, Dan. And as full a salute as I can muster to her lost love.
  10. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Are not many of us in that boat, Mick. :).
  11. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

  12. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    I believe you are completely correct in that synopsis, brother. Carry on.
  13. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    You lost me there too, Jim. I think, but could be mistaken, that you are being sarcastic. If so, take a few minutes and inform yourself of Lauda's history. If not, my apologies.
  14. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    That flat out sux. Sorry, Stephen. And to you too, Butch. Been around long enough to recall your report of that bad business as well.
  15. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

  16. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    No sadness...that little piece of hardware was designed for a life expectancy of 3 months, and it ran for 15 years. Amazing success. But yes...RIP, Opportunity.
  17. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

  18. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    You are right Justin, in part...but the disrespect carried over to the reference to Aretha Franklin, in my view. I could be wrong. But nothing in the past from Bob would indicate such.
  19. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Bob, you know I have next to never even raised this issue here. You'll be hard pressed to show that I see it in "every least little thing". But you make your racism clear nearly every day. I don't care if that's what you believe, actually. It's your choice to behave this way. I would...
  20. Burnham

    The RIP Thread...

    Then I'll never get it. If I wasn't a nicer fellow, I'd accuse you both of rampant racism. But I'm nicer than that, so will assume just general stupidity. In retrospect, I see that I was pretty offensive in my last post. If you think I deserve a time out ban Butch, so be it...I'll stick with...