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  • Users: Ed L
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  1. Ed L


    2 sticks of aspen, 1 soft maple, the rest is ash. There was a small elm that we cut up. Ed
  2. Ed L


    Mid 40's today, went and cleaned up all the trees that had fallen in the field after planting. Nice haul for an afternoon in the mud. The landing was empty when l started. Ed
  3. Ed L


    Correct, don't think Tom will complain about having to alter the autosteer gps data. Ed
  4. Ed L


    All things must pass....and so its time for this Shagbark Hickory to go. Its 32" dbh....the top broke off last year, still hangs. Around here Hickories get hollow, pretty sure this one is no exception. One will have no holding wood and not enough trunk to place wedges. I can think of better...
  5. Ed L


    I still have 2 large elm left, 18-20 dbh, nice and straight. At the first sigh of pending death they will be on the sawmill. Beautifull wood, an absolute pita to work with as it moves around more than a hooker at confession. I've used it enough to figure the tricks... Ed
  6. Ed L


    Interesting....that box wedge setup. Never seen it before. We run a Timberwolf TW5 with a 4 way. Its one splitting mofo for sure. Ed
  7. Ed L


    Yes, an owb... They'll get split enough so dad (they are for his house) can handle them and no smaller, lol. I have a friend that only splits when it won't fit thru the stove door, yea, he's a big guy. Asked him what happens when the wife has to load the owb..."she turns up the furnace." :lol: Ed
  8. Ed L


    3 hours, just over 3 tanks of fuel and 3 beers. Pile is gone, my back already hurts thinking about splitting.
  9. Ed L


  10. Ed L


    After they are out of the woods l'll cut them into logs. Not enough room to skid them to the landing with crops in the field. My landing was empty Saturday morning, the weekend haul piled and ready to block then split. Ed
  11. Ed L


    The day from hell today.....damn near 90° heat index and no wind. Took the Bobcat out and cleared a path back to the trees, soaking wet from sweat by the time that was done. Returned with the tractor and started pulling tree length. First 2 were utility poles, brought out and staged next to the...
  12. Ed L


    Got ambitious (or stupid) today and started skidding dead ash downfall logs for this winters firewood. 88° out today, thankfully not much time was spent with a chainsaw in my hands. My skid route is 80%+ shaded, so that made it tolerable with ice cold poweraid. Back at it tomorrow, found a nice...
  13. Ed L


    Yes, I bought it new in '92. Just hit 50,000 miles this winter. Yes, it's been upgraded with a Banks turbo & exhaust. Ed
  14. Ed L


    There might be 1 or 2 that aren't..... Had dad driving the truck when I moved some of them to the main landing. The ground was a little soft in the field, kept the load sizes down. Ed
  15. Ed L


    Sine the weather has broke and I'm unable to get it the woods to get more, thought I would show off last winters work. :D Currently have the logs stacked on 3 landings, the first pile will be cut, split & stacked as weather permits, the rest will get done in the fall. Last count was 110 logs. Ed