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  1. woodslinger


    Nice bike Stig, I didn't know Honda had anything with a single sided swingarm. I thought that was just a BMW and Ducati thing.
  2. woodslinger

    How'd it go today?

    Wow Raj, sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like a rough day, with more to come. A good time for understanding customers. Sending positive thoughts your way. . .
  3. woodslinger

    2016 Mr. Olympia

    :lol: "I pick things up and put them down" I love that one. I adapted it to "I climb up trees to cut them down"
  4. woodslinger

    Hitchhiker vanishes from Treestuff?

    That's one of my favorite things about this forum, many of the inventors/developers/creators of the best gear are here and accessible!
  5. woodslinger

    How'd it go today?

    I mowed, it rained, I got wet. Back into the trees next week!
  6. woodslinger

    My chain saw is camping out for the night...

    Glad to hear it worked out well and the saws are both tucked in for the night. Speaking of headlamps, I dropped a stem (about 25') by headlamp once. We were on a time crunch to finish before the power company reconnected the power line in the morning. I used MY headlamp to help the climber...
  7. woodslinger

    Good gear, Shit gear?

    Helmet intercoms. Game changer, no more yelling back and forth and waiting for someone to stop cutting or chipping to get their attention. Well worth the investment. The new mechanicals are sweet, I liked my unicender, I like my rope runner even more. If you're already doing srt with the...
  8. woodslinger

    This is the Akimbo

    Cool, looking forward to it
  9. woodslinger

    This is the Akimbo

    Are you having enough made for the full purchase donations and the discount ones? Just curious if we can get our discounted units in that run or if I have to wait a bit longer. I'm excited either way, keep up the good work
  10. woodslinger

    Baltimore Expo

    Anyone headed to the baltimore expo? Im registering/booking a hotel tomorrow. Does anyone going or familiar with the area have hotel recommendations? I'm thinking about the "host hotel" just to make things easier, but it is more pricey. I'd love to meet up with some fellow housers while I'm...
  11. woodslinger

    Monkey Beaver Saddle

    "So I went on and talked too much. . . . . ." You crack me up August. Does that have a thicker waist belt than the Onyx? The only issue I had with the Onyx was the thin belt, my boney hips are too pointy. A more "standard" belt in terms of padding would fix that, and I love how easily the leg...
  12. woodslinger

    I couldn't do it...

    Follow your gut, don't climb the one with the rotten root swell, and follow Tuck's quote, its spot on.
  13. woodslinger

    My First Bid... NOW What?!?

    I've stopped thinking so much about estimates and shoot from the hip onsite while trying to account for all the variables, but I'm not relying on my income to support a household, which makes things way easier. On the lighter side (has to be a good friend/ close family) I try to put at least...
  14. woodslinger

    What's your job and why?

    Nice beard!, fish aint too bad either. .
  15. woodslinger

    I lied.

    I'm a little late to the party here, haven't been on the forum lately, been busy. It sounds to me like you have a very good handle on what you know how to do and are not looking to venture much beyond that anytime soon. I say go for it, but talk to your insurance guy first. The place I...
  16. woodslinger

    This is the Akimbo

    Will there be and differences between the gofundme run and the licensed production run?
  17. woodslinger

    Climbing Buildings

    for rock climbing, we usually use a section of nylon webbing, with the ends heat sealed open, and run the rope through the webbing. That is usually done with one section, and a figure eight tied in the rope with the webbing on it, and biners in the loop after the 8 as a toprope anchor. That...
  18. woodslinger

    The Hunicke Interviews: Gerald Beranek

    Excellent vid August, I finally got around to watching it this morning. I love the video inserts in the background that make it look like your back wall is a window and there is a crew felling a massive tree right behind your house. Just fantastic, it could have been twice and long and still...
  19. woodslinger

    Climbing saddle gear storage bags, Pics ?

    Nice setup, the extras you added really seem to maximize its usefulness. Thanks for making the vid
  20. woodslinger

    How do you guys decide which trees to climb?

    I have to disagree on the switchover. I use SRT all the time. When I was using a unicender, fine position adjustment was a bit difficult, especially on limb walks. Now that I have my runner, everything is smooth as silk (once I got the rest of my climbing system dialed in of course). I...