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  1. Naturarbo

    Micro Rigging Line?

    Yes we just pulled and dragged pieces with it
  2. Naturarbo

    Micro Rigging Line?

    once a stage rigger brought some dynema to try. Man 6mm diameter worked as a 16mm rigging line.
  3. Naturarbo

    New Website

    Great keep up the good work
  4. Naturarbo

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    that is funny, don't know what changed but is first time I can see your post
  5. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    My dutch friend send me some great pics from this job. The second is called "the force is in you":lol::lol:
  6. Naturarbo

    How'd it go today?

    So, yesterday I finish a level 2 tree climbing class (as a trainer). No time to post till now, we had emergency call for a cork oak over a house. But the trainees made this great pic, I call it "rope porn"
  7. Naturarbo

    Knee Ascender, Buy Or Build?

    I am making a new 1 at the moment. Very similar to systeme 3a. Pics later.
  8. Naturarbo

    Stihl recall

    Mine went back to shop. I never realized there was a problem. Still feels the same.
  9. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    Finish the eucs. Cut and chuck most of it, pulled last bits uphill with a rope. Did set rig anchors, but didn't use them. A few videos will show later from the clients.
  10. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    @davidwyby we zipped most of it. Drop zone has a oven under, after that point the down hill narrows and drop is not possible, slopes are to soft, stone walls and steps everywhere, some trees opposite cant be battered. After zipping rest of canopy, we are gonna winch against the 3rd trunk on pic...
  11. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    there they are
  12. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    Eucs are almost down. Will post pics. In the end just base of trees was burnt, 1 had less then 20% residual wall. Still was a very hard job.
  13. Naturarbo

    burnt eucaliptus

    Hi got some burnt eucs to dismantle. Already experienced some burnt wood. Any tips, please??
  14. Naturarbo

    Various ways to tie bowline

    End tail outside can get trapped and cause surprises watch out
  15. Naturarbo

    .325 mini

    You know @lxskllr after 2 years in the business I found those 2 in 1. And the life of chains got longer. Until now chains would only retire after loosing 1 tooth cause was to little metal on it. Guess I will have to change. Or find a 2 in 1 .325 mini. Wish me luck.
  16. Naturarbo

    .325 mini

    So better to do it old school?? First cutting teeth then depth rakers? Has anyone ever seem the file 2 in 1 anywhere or even chain and bars .325 mini?
  17. Naturarbo

    .325 mini

    So Husqvarna has this .325 mini chain. never seen it before. Also seems that from factory there is no 1/4 saw. Where do I get a 2 in sharpener in europe? If I use the file in the pic 3/8 on a .325 mini chain what will be the resulte?? Great life I have where all this new things force me to learn...
  18. Naturarbo

    knee ascender again

    @SeanKroll there is no floating, I hate 2 floating points that have to come off to work, it is always close to your knee with 1 hooking point. There is no need to remove it to work, way more compact then all ascenders. The concept is partially taken from the Systéme 3a and it it possible to use...
  19. Naturarbo

    Your favorite saw.

    all that run S 500i is a beast, our biggest saw with 90cm bar, normally 63cm bar S 261 to climb in big tree dismantles 50cm bar S 150 modified favorite climbing saw S 161 used a lot because of early work hours in residential areas H 535 used a lot because of early work hours in residential areas...
  20. Naturarbo

    knee ascender again

    Yes @lxskllr . I had the same.First most ascender have to be connected to chest, flipline or harness, Systéme 3a not; but it is not adjustable at leg height. The haas and the turbo both are hooked in 2 points to work, beauty of the turbo is adjustable at leg height. All you need is to measure...