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  1. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @Bodean Try offsetting the porty a little more to the side of the spar. I remember Reg saying something about making sure the devices are out of plumb from each other. Of course if the piece bounces around it’s bound to rotate the ring a bit. What’s funny is I had this happen with the...
  2. treebilly

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Beautiful day here. 27*F at sunrise and almost 50 by noon.
  3. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    @cory. You are correct sir. Or I might be in better shape for it.
  4. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Or just tell everyone to stay away. Some of the guys at work must think I’m a walking germ. Every time they approach I tell them I might be sick and they should keep their distance.😆 Good day at work even though we were up in Cleveland. Lots of picks with a terrible lay down area. Had to bring...
  5. treebilly

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    Well this thread took a weird direction. Back on track Big ole pin oak gat the power company has been whacking on forever. The gas company put new lines in and in order to replace the sidewalk and keep with ADA the tree has to go. Originally they wanted the roots ground out on the sidewalk...
  6. treebilly

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Decent weather today even though it’s a bit chillier than I’d like. At least it’s dry. We’ve had enough rain for the month as far as I’m concerned
  7. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Had a good Easter weekend. Hit the gym for BJJ early Saturday morning and then a good day at the woodpile plus time with the kids. Sunday was all family. Ate to much as always. Then rained out for Monday. Getting ready to hit the wood pile again.
  8. treebilly


    From what I’ve seen of the gym rats is they are mostly younger and have show muscle. Sure they can lift a massive amount of weight but have no functional strength. Also for most muscle size is inversely proportional to brains. We had a guy like that at work for a short time. He could lift a...
  9. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Should have been a rain day but to much to be done for that nonsense. My crew serviced our trucks and then went out for a quick removal. I love these last minute emergency trees. Ended up soaked. There is now a giant puddle in my garage where my saw pants and sweatshirt are hanging. Actually we...
  10. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    No water. Well maybe a few small wetlands. All these trees are threatening roadway and power lines. Someone with a degree got to choose the hazard removals. I don’t agree with some of his choices but he is on call if I strongly disagree. These trees have been an ongoing issue between the park...
  11. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Today we went to the Y camp and removed 10 tall wild cherry trees. They’re getting a new septic system and these would’ve had the bases buried with backfill. Septic system for this camp is quite impressive. Two weeks ago they could’ve all been flopped but since the field was installed we had to...
  12. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Day not going as planned🙄
  13. treebilly


    Exactly. I just enjoy being outdoors. There is so much of this country I want to see and experience. I have no desire to see the cities though. Haven’t really got a plan for it all. I’m going to the Smokies again in mid May this year. There are a few trails and waterfalls I have not experienced...
  14. treebilly


    I’m not sure @cory. Running the crane is the least physical part of my job so you would think I’d have loads of energy after work but being sedentary drains me. Also the mental stress of operating the crane is much different than the climbing or other aspects of the job. As I’ve grown more...
  15. treebilly


    6 am argument today. I won. Two mile run before sun up followed by ten minutes on the heavy bag.
  16. treebilly

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Need replaced and sent off to be sharpened
  17. treebilly

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Gonna be hanging around 40 F today but sunny all morning so I’m going to enjoy it. Windy and clouds this afternoon though
  18. treebilly

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    It’s got my old bmg grapple till the new bmg grapple comes in. I still prefer it over the Vermeer grapple. I like some features of it but the ease of the bmg trumps those
  19. treebilly

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Sorry @cory I just refound this thread. As you know I just started BJJ a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I took myself out of class for two weeks by getting snipped. I’m going to drill tomorrow but not going to roll for another week at least. I’ve been going and observing though. Picking up a lot...
  20. treebilly

    How'd it go today?

    Had an easy enough day. We finished up that spar from yesterday’s rain out and cleaned up our section. Then we went and finished the other section off that was in one of my pictures in the work thread. Finally we collected 14 mats that were buried in a creek/ swamp that another crew had left for...