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  1. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Later, folks! I'm heading down to my sister's place in St. Pete for the weekend, should be home Sunday night. I may or may not get online from there. If not, then I'll see you folks in a few days. :)
  2. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Nope, most have much smaller seeds (dates).
  3. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Happy trails, B. See ya on the flip-flop! :D
  4. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Thanks Deva! One day I hope to see it in person.
  5. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Infuckingcredible pictures, Deva. :thumbup: :thumbup: 8) Seeing the West coast in person and checking out scenes like that is definitely on my short list of life goals. edit: I just made the fourth picture my desktop, absolutely incredible.
  6. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Lots of good wishes for your vacation, Burn. Looking forward to hearing about it upon your return. :)
  7. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Who the Hell are you? :?
  8. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Have fun Squishy. :D
  9. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Good to hear from you Craig. And I understand where you're coming from, I did the same thing a couple years ago. I dropped off all the tree forums for almost a year. It helped me gain a little perspective, as I had gotten way too wrapped up in them. Unfortunately you took off before you posted...
  10. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Be well Burnham, and have a fun trip! :)
  11. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Reddawg, is that the Colorado Rocky Mountains? Looks like Colorado or maybe Arizona...
  12. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    I don't think Gary's new truck can live on $11 per hour. :P
  13. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    If you're running Windows XP then the best one is the XP Powertoys image resizer. It allows individual or multiple image resizing with a right mouse click, almost idiot-proof. and scroll down to 'Image Resizer'.
  14. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Good luck on the hunt, Justin. :thumbup: mmmmmmmmmm, bacon. :P
  15. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    I finally got a reply email from Craig. He's been swamped with work, hiring and training a new secretary, replacing the blown motor in his 2002 Dodge (I told him Fords were better!), working on government/ municipal contracts, touring the Ram Rod factory, etc. etc. etc. He promises to return...
  16. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Whatever happened to Craig? He seems to have dissappeared after getting back home from vacation. We never even got pictures. :(
  17. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    The AGM of the principal officers of Alberta Arborists Inc. and Rocky J Squirrel, Arborist got off to a late start due to weather delays. Cool, cloudy conditions were less than optimal for attaining our prescribed goals. PETA would be proud as no animals were harmed as a result of this endeavor...
  18. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    It's much colder than 40. That is clearly 39 degrees, almost 38. :reindeer:
  19. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Why do the Canucks always have to bring their lousy cold weather with them when they visit Florida? :? Our AGM got postponed till this afternoon. I'll post an overview of the minutes tonight.
  20. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    It's Craig's Annual General Meeting (business trip ;) ).