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  1. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Have a great time, B. :thumbup:
  2. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    HBD Gigi! :D
  3. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    It would be better with some meat in it. :lol:
  4. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Smooth sailing, I didn't even get a speeding ticket (surprisingly). 8) 3000 miles in the last week so I am about due for rear tires now. :/:
  5. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    I'm back, 2350 unread posts to catch up on. I guess I know what I'm doing the rest of the day. :|:
  6. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    OK, I'm done packing and ready to leave for mASSachussetts. I should reach Erik's place about dinnertime tomorrow. See you guys next week. :)
  7. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Mike, we got Brendon coming up to help us out with the hitch. ;)
  8. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Sure, keys are on top of the rear tire. :) Bring it back with some fuel in it, will ya? ;)
  9. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Between the two of us, do you think we can get a chainsaw started and get a tree on the ground without killing somebody/something? :|:
  10. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Thanks guys. I'll be driving my pickup, he doesn't really have much work where the bucket truck could be helpful and it would cost me twice as much to drive it up there and back. I'm just packing my climbing gear and a few saws. Erik told me he needs somebody to show him how to tie a tautline...
  11. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Well, it looks like I'm going up to MASS to work with Erik next week. Newfie messed up his knee again and will be down for a while, and Erik and I had discussed working together at some point anyway. I'll be doing laundry tonight, then packing up and leaving tomorrow after work. Probably won't...
  12. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Hey Chip, how did you do in the Geezers Competition? Sorry I didn't stick around the whole day, but I was cheering you on in spirit. ;)
  13. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Hey Robert! Are you getting back to work any time soon? The sooner you're back at work, the sooner you can goof off and surf the forum on company time! :lol: And as a side note, a good buddy of mine has taken a bath on his BA stock and I was hoping you might be able to give him some good news. ;)
  14. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Good luck! Bring an extra credit card and/or extra cash. Check fluid levels also, you'd be surprised how much more oil you'll burn on long road trips. :)
  15. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Welcome back, B. I was wondering where you disappeared to, missed ya the last week or two. You know where the photos go... ;):P
  16. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Yes, I remembered my camera today, Gigi. :P Here's our rock star in action. I'll put the rest of the pics in the work pictures thread.
  17. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Deva just arrived, we're off to work. :D
  18. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Cool deal, Deva. I've got a firm commitment for Tuesday and I'm trying to line up a climbing removal and some bucket work for Monday for you. I should know for sure by tomorrow. No more Greyhound, huh? Not classy enough for ya? :P
  19. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    Looking forward to seeing you when you get down to Florida. I can even hook you up with some work if you want, I'd enjoy being able to see the world-renowned Deva working his magic. 8)
  20. SkwerI

    Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

    See you on the flip side, Burnham. Enjoy your trip! :)