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  1. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    What is the consequence when people are not following procedures? I heard, at a conference, probably, that training isn't enough. Performance testing, signed and dated, of demonstrating driving procedures is what you want if you want to CYA in a commercial traffic accident.
  2. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    What is your training like? What is your proficiency testing like, after training? What is your procedural signage like? This could be a simple as a piece of paper tape to the dashboard and/ or a laminated card on the truck bumper. I have marked shifter patterns and truck heights on...
  3. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Hahaha wtf?
  4. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Log sliding down the mountain
  5. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Good ones!
  6. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    That's where a street fight can turn to manslaughter or similar...head to the pavement.
  7. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    The stick man should have been drawn with 2 arms and 2 legs, plus a tree.
  8. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Ooga Ooga!!
  9. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    When I first moved to Washington, I backed my Astro van up to get an attached, 3' off the ground windfall fir log into the van, then cut it free, but it fit inside, and doors closed. I hollowed it out into two planter boxes.
  10. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I single- handedly cooked a lot of scrambled eggs in the early hours, baby in the other hand. Lots of diapers. Lots.
  11. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread'lamplighter'%20is%20still,tall%20bicycle%2C%20for%20this%20reason.
  12. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Looks like a tall bike with small wheels!
  13. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    A blank screen loaded.
  14. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I just see a still-picture.
  15. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    My mom broke a wooden spoon on my brother's behind, when we were kids.
  16. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I took it being in the funny pictures thread as being all done up in every bit of gear, and making a rookie move. RADS on MRS/DdRT... snail's pace, and not ergonomic, especially if the ascender is pushed up as she goes.
  17. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Could be all natural.
  18. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Is that a slingshot minus the handle that she's wearing?
  19. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Woulda been funny to put it as a thumbnail.
  20. SeanKroll

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    It was full size to me, too.