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  1. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Checking Brud would possibly be hard, since it is the same word as "bride" Weasel words are for specialists, I think. Hermelin / lækat is the stoat winter/sommer. Mår is Marten, Grævling is badger and jærv is wolverine. See, danish is easy!
  2. stig

    Bird Watching!

    World's smallest weasel, then. Mustela nivalis. I didn't realize it was called a weasel, since its danish name is "brud" and I'd never had cause to learn the English.
  3. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Either that is the world's largest green woodpecker, the world's smallest weasel or photoshopped.
  4. stig

    Bird Watching!

    We have that in the marshes of southern Jutland in fall every year. It has turned into a major tourist attraction, people come from near and far to see it. For some obscure reason the phanomenon is known as " Sort sol" Black sun.
  5. stig

    Bird Watching!

    That is great, Jim. I've never seen a snowy owl, even though I've spent lots of time looking for them in northern Norway. They don't come to Denmark except once in 10 years, maybe. Fantastic birds.
  6. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I'm pretty sure they are juvenile Oregon Juncos, but I'll wait to hear what the natives have to say. It has been a couple of years since I last did any birdwatching in the PNW, but that is my impression from just looking at them.
  7. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Yes, please.
  8. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Jay, the black kite Milvus migrans is interesting, because it is one of the only trans global birds. It is, far as I know, found on every continent ( except antarctica). I once stood at the rock of Gibraltar and watched the northern migration of kites from Africa to Europe in spring. Like...
  9. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I love those. Especially the way they always perch on something, as if they want to show off, how pretty they are. I visited National Bison Range, up in your part of the world, in spring 2005. They were all over the place.
  10. stig

    Bird Watching!

    I kinda figured as much from your moniker. A close relation to the guttersnipe, I believe.:lol: I had a blast when Im was in Isreal 3 weeks ago, re-seing birds that I remembered from 35 years ago. Like the Palestine sunbird: ( Picture stolen from internet)
  11. stig

    Bird Watching!

    Regulus satrapa I saw my first one in Arcata CA: 21 november 1981. ( I just went and looked at the notes in my field guide) There are a few other birders here, Jim. I find it brightens the day when you see a rare one while working. I always keep binoculars in the truck, I don't need a field...